49: Attack on camp

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~~Izuku's POV~~

I quickly darted out of the small cave everyone was in, sealing and reinforcing it to stop them from following. In front of me stood sixteen of those undead beasts but something looked a little different about them, they weren't as imposing as the one at the USJ but they seemed a little more aware... like Esu. Could these be high end Nomu's, does that mean the doctor is still alive.




The cacophony of their shrieks filled the air, well at least that answers my questions. But whose giving them orders then? At the moment that's a question for later, I've got to stop them from getting past me, so I took a defensive stance, going in blind even with all my power would be suicide.

They see this and mimic me, weird enough that these things can speak but the fact they can copy is way too much.

I get knocked out of my own head by a punch from one of them, red eyes is what stood out to me. So red eyes then alters my stance a bit and starts to brutally assault me, missing every single blow though, even without me dodging too much. Then a sharp beam comes out of nowhere, piercing my right knee making me jump back. I glance over at the sharpshooter and grimace when I see three others copying him.

Deciding that I've had it, I heal my knee and start floating, the one with enough common sense hop back trying to regroup and the rest follow their herd. I smile at their blunder.

I start the process in my body, pair production is an easy concept to understand but the energy needed is crazy, especially for it to be effective. I cough a bit as something dribbles down the side of my face, I ignore it and concentrate on the process in my body first, splitting the matter to my left palm and Anti-matter to my right.

I look down at the group of beasts below me and point my right hand at them, pushing it away towards the monsters. The explosion was massive and obviously alerted those behind me something big was going on, though I doubt they could escape. 

As the smoke started to clear, someone started clapping their hands.

'Well well well, fancy meeting you here Mr number one,' The masked figure states from a set of trees further back. I spare a glace over and see a small villain army, 'Surprised? I wouldn't be. These are you're demons, the remnants of the remnants, the leftovers that have gathered up to finally take down our uncorrupted tyrant.'

I smile at this, he obviously for some stupid reason hasn't noticed the massive ball in my left hand, so I started charging it with a very special kind of potential energy.

'So may I have the name of the boss of these people then?' I reply

'Why certainly child, you may call me Mr Compress.'

'Ooo fancy, so tell me who have I killed close to you?'

'Really you haven't figured it out yet boy?'

'... The doctor?'

'Correct dear child, that man was a very treasured family friend, so imagine how I felt when those things turned up on my doorstep with his last words.'

'Pretty pissed I'd say'

'Indeed child'

'So you going to kill me or...?'

'Maybe, or maybe we'll take out those behind you in the cave' 

I froze, how did he know. He shouldn't, a spy? a quirk? UGH. I raised by palm towards the group, finally drawing attention to the now glowing ball.

'Boy what is that?' He asked

'Well seems like someone didn't do their research, I'll make it simple, it's your end.' I finish pushing kinetic energy into it, forcing it away and towards the group.

Screams of pain and anguish could be heard, people died upon the impact with the explosion taking out well over half the forest behind it, pretty much ensuring the demise of anyone and everyone who decided to join in.


The voice came from the crater where the antimatter had exploded, shocked I looked down only to see six of the beasts left. They weren't looking at me though, they all turned their backs to me and started making their way back to where Mr Compress was.

I snapped forward and grabbed two their necks, making sure to thoroughly obliterate every single cell they had, obliterating any chance of a recovery of any kind. However their final screams didn't get the other four to turn back, instead it made them break into a run towards the second impact site.

I sighed and started making my way over, preparing energy in a sort of force field just in case. What I didn't expect though is as I came to the edge of the crater, the Nomu's would find what they were looking for, some blue marbles which they proceeded to crush.

Out popped the last remaining villains who had luckily escaped the ball of death, with their leader among them. I groaned, couldn't they just die already, at least things could only get better now though.

Oh how wrong I was.

A deafening crash came from behind me, I looked back worried, hoping that it wasn't a Nomu, only to be thoroughly surprised to find debris being blasted out instead of in.

And following that were my friends, students and guardians. And they all looked pretty pissed with me. I mentally facepalmed again, great more problems to deal with.

Compress didn't miss this and started laughing manically, everyone looked at him weirdly as he calmed down. He gestured to his masked friend who nodded and goop started to come off of him, forming more of the Nomu's I had just killed, though they were obviously fragile, it didn't mean they couldn't pack a punch.

I stiffened up and tried to start the pair production process again, only to find I couldn't. I looked back to find a very pissed Shota. That look didn't last long though as he saw the fear in my eyes, it caused him to blink, giving me back conscious control, it was too late though. The real beasts charged forward and pinned me to the ground, the one with wings started forming blades out of his hands as he raised them.

Cries from those over by the cave could be heard and Ochako's screaming was most prevalent, I gulped. I mean sure I could survive this but what if I didn't. I started panicking, was Shota still using his quirk? Was I calm enough to have full control? Would these things beat me?

I was snapped out of my stupor as Compress waved his hand and the Nomu's picked my bruised and battered body up for the everyone to see.

'You say I haven't done my research boy' The unharmed man said drawing closer, grinning like a madman, 'I'd say you're quite wrong,' He raised his hand and placed it on my mask, with small flash it disappeared and a marble took its place in his hand.

'Wouldn't you... Izuku Midoriya?'

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