54: The social experiment is over

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~~Izuku's POV~~

For once the classroom was silent. Though it had just gotten that way after they all screamed at me to heal their pain, which was to be expected.

After my whole meltdown I went around and quickly healed all of those who were also targetted, though not many of them had big injuries, mainly fractures and sprains. Though Nieto had a lot of internal bleeding and broken bones from being thrown and Himiko was impaled several times once again. It's gotten to the point she started to joke about it while I fixed her up, earned her a slap from me and her very tearful boyfriend who then wouldn't let her go.

The others however I wanted to leave, they earned those injuries and I had no plan on fixing them, Chiyo was actually with me on that and outright refused medically helping any of them, quirk or otherwise seeing as it was pretty much self inflicted. They luckily received one last act of mercy from Sho, Ten-Ten and Ocha, Kyo said she didn't owe them anything, who said this was the last thing they would ever do for them. Which then of course caused me to pale and run away as they chased me with threats of no cuddles.

I like any reasonable person, caved. Though we did come to a decent middle ground. I would heal them to make them reach a degree of stability but I would increase their pain receptors three fold so they would defiantly not forget how much of a fuck up their existence is.

They all accepted it straight away at the site with no complaints but as soon as we got back to the classroom they started moaning and begging me to reduce the pain, I had fun just staring at them. Though it was weird that after they calmed down almost twenty minutes later, Shota was still absent, which did leave the classroom in awkward silence and silent pain.

So we sat and we waited, and waited as another ten minutes passed, most of the class silently writhing in agony before the door finally burst open and a very red faced Shota ran in.

'Sensei, where were you, are you ok?' Ten-Ten asks standing up from his desk

'Re-Recov-ery g-g-girl, no' The man wheezed out

'Sensei what's the matter?'

'E-E-E-E-Eri' He finally panted out

What... Eri... Chiyo... no don't tell me

I ran past Shota and out the door, unconsciously freezing time as I enhanced my body, getting me to Chiyo's office in what seemed like an eternity for me but in reality I knew it would be less than a second. I smashed open the door and my little snowflake was there curled up, sheet around her drenched as her quirk was going haywire.

'ERI' I yell, she looks up with her bleary eyes

'PAPA' She replied, launching herself across the room towards me as I deactivated her quirk with my own, before she collides into my chest.

'Shhhh, It's ok now, no-ones going to hurt you' I say rubbing her back, 'Papa's here.'

'*hic* B-But O-O-O*hic*O-Oba-san'

'What happend to Oba-san Eri?' I cooed

'SHE'S *hic*DEAD, b-b-burned... *hic*g-gone *hic*f-f-forever'

I froze and looked at my daughter properly now, dry blood was smeared over her face with her skin charred and clothes covered in soot. It looks like she was in a forrest fire not some damn city fire. And her horn... her horn was snapped, broken near the base leaving only a rough jagged outcrop from her head, not the beautiful elegant one she had grown to love. I doubt she even noticed it yet. 

I feel her breathing steady as she falls asleep in my arms, all this does is cause me to hold her closer. I glance up over to a saddened Chiyo holding something in her hands.

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