45: A very tense bus ride

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~~No-one's POV~~

Class 1-A was not in a good mood, sullied by the fact the news that some of their classmates hated them and the lack of character from three of them specifically, Sero had finally processed that Jiro was not only out of his reach but despised the way he acted. Bakugo learnt that the one he liked heard what he said about her, plus the fact she was no dating a villain, making her out of any imaginable reach. Finally Yaomomo was broken, the friends and company she kept had just driven away the boy she liked, insulting him to the point where he left the group chat.

Now normally it wouldn't be such a big deal but that group chat was her idea, so by him leaving it made it seem like he was rejecting her, which he totally was. The worst part though was that she had gotten her hopes up, first he didn't push her away when she talked to him, unlike some of the others in that group, then he turned up at her study session, at HER house, she was over the moon, especially when he focused other and payed attention. Of course she didn't know all he was doing was critiquing her but how could she? She fell head over heels for the boy, now she was just falling.

The miserable group met up in their classroom at the desired time only to be left waiting. As ten minutes passed the new class president got a very annoyed Aizawa calling asking why she hadn't brought everyone down, when she said it was the presidents or teachers job, he reminded her that it WAS her job and if she didn't hurry up she would be expelled.

Lots of running and shouting later the class now stood in front of a very pissed of teacher, lecturing them about responsibility and tardiness, honestly he didn't care but he was sure as hell not going to miss an opportunity to cause grief the class of problem children.

They entered the bus only to be met with harsh glares from the ones already on there, the same ones who declared themselves done with the idiocy of the class in the first place. Solemnly the rest of them took their seats as their teacher made some announcements before setting off.

'So... Ochako are you two really dating?' Asui asked from across the bus

'Its Uraraka to you and does this answer your question?' She replies giving a stern glare from her boyfriends chest

'Oh... so why do you hate us?' The girl obliviously continued

'Take a wild stab in the dark.'

'Uhm... I really don't know'

'Hm how about no-one defended her during the quirk test?' Kyouka asked

'The fact you laughed at her for her attitude before the sports festival, which by the way was perfect' Shota added from the front

'Leaving her alone during the festival when she could have really used support, especially since she faced Bakugo.' Kage added

'But she won!' Mina interrupted

'Doesn't mean she wasn't panicking before hand, hell I heard she had no-one to eat with so she made friends with a stranger then ate with them.'

'Best stranger ever' The brunette said cuddling closer to the masked boy

'Wait you were at the festival... of course you were, the two of you and someone else crashed it...' Momo said

'Getting off topic.' Ochako said pouting

'I got this Mochii' The boy said before turning towards the class, 'Tell me which of you stood up for her when the explosive blond over there insulted her appearance and lowered her very existence to a fuck toy... anyone? No? Didn't think so. Who noticed her disappearance after that lunchroom incident and actually worried about her? WHO noticed she disappeared from the dorms, AFTER not coming to class for a few days?' The class looked down dejectedly as their short comings became very much apparent. 'Now, this is the big one, when she was called out of class, which of you went to console her?'

'Console her?' Invisible girl asked

'Of course, her parents just died, none of you did? Disappointing.'

The class stared at the brunette in shock, her parents died and they didn't know, she'd been through so much, so much of it they influenced and now they were shocked when she left, none of them had any words, as evidenced by their splutters of something that resembled an apology. The masked boy then glared at them before shifting the girls weight a bit to show her fast asleep.

Silence fell again as the tension stayed, Bakugo was silently fuming while the rest of them were mourning the seemingly permanent loss of the people they thought were their friends.

The group who had isolated themselves from the others went back to talking to each other, though now two girls had found their boyfriends a little too comfortable and unknown to the class had fallen asleep.

'Um Uraraka ca...' Ashido started before getting a sharp glare from the masked boy who gently shifted his weight once again to reveal the sleeping brunette, which shut up and stopped any of the girls plans to apologise.

Though that didn't stop them trying to make more plans to get Kyouka and Ockako back. Lots of talks about cornering them during the stay, maybe spreading rumours, even trying to get some of the others arrested. The boys on the other hand were mourning, sure Denki was now forever gone but they were sure thanks to that messaging the day before, any chance to even talk nicely with the rest of them was non-existent, though that didn't stop them co-ordinating with the girls though to try and mess with their current dynamic to rescue, some of their friends.

They weren't exactly quiet though and as Izuku listened in he could only roll his eyes at their pathetic excuses for plans, hell his improvised plans in under a minute were more thought out than the rubbish they spewed, half of their plans were based on assumptions they took for facts. Had they asked they would know any and all of their plans were fruitless.

The bus slowed two hours into their journey as their teacher announced a rest stop, excited to try and rescue their friends once again, the class excitedly jumped from the bus a little too quickly, only to be met with the edge of a cliff into a forest. Once Himiko protection squad got out, all carrying water bottles, two pro heroes by the name of the wild wild pussycats came out and started explaining what was going on.

Though the one in red didn't get very far before the blue one used her quirk to push almost all the students off the cliff into the wilderness below.

'Hm, earth manipulation, quite basic' A voice came from the dust scaring the two female pros

'Atlas, stop messing around we both knew you wouldn't be going down with them'.

'Maybe but I still wanted to talk to Shino.' Izuku continued as the dust settled

'M-Me?' Shino said while stumbling back

'You know who that is right?' Shota asked

'No?' Pixie bob asked tilting her head

'Meat Deku, the Number one villain, killed countless actual villains and here in the villain rehab program of his own accord.'

The two froze at the description given.

'Please, call me Atlas' Izuku said getting a weird stare from his teacher, 'What? They earned my respect long ago, someone even told me some amazing stories!' He finished with a smile

'D-D-D-Does t-t-that m-m-mean?' Shino stuttered

Izuku nodded his head, 'Yes I killed that brute who killed the water-hose duo, but I wasn't able to save them, if he hadn't thrown the two into the fire he caused I could have brought the back, I'm so sorry' Izuku bowed at the last words

'But' He said standing back up, 'Someone wanted to say hi.' A portal opened up behind Izuku and two small figures with a cat came out

'H-hi Auntie' The boy said

'K-K-KOTA!' Shino screamed with tears coming down her face

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