23: and two meetings

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A/N quick little piece of trivia, last chapter and this on were meant to happen together, but it turned out to be too long

~~Himiko's POV~~

Parting from Izu I walked away from that hellhole of a classroom and towards Nezu's office. After a minute I looked back to make sure Izu or anyone else for that matter wasn't in sight.

Once I was sure I was alone, I finally let it all out. My vision started to get blurry as I pushed my back against what I assume was the wall and as I did my legs stopped listening asI slumped down.

Why him, I thought, of all the people why him, I can't hate him because I still love him, but I can't love him because I hate him, it was just so much. I barely managed to think about him without breaking down but now he talked to me... and I pushed him away. I was so cold I should just go and apologies, but he deserved it, he left me that day, abandoned me like everyone else. But that wasn't like him, he was the first person to give me blood and the first to not care about my quirk.


I couldn't even move on, I tried but I couldn't love anyone like I did him, even after all those sessions with Izu I was stuck with this feeling. He thought it was fate, screw fate.

Cleaning my face from the mess it had become, I made my way to the bathroom to try and clean myself up after my breakdown.

Once I looked slightly presentable I made my way to Nezu's office, trying to avoid the teachers roaming the halls, they would probably try and ask me questions slowing me down.

Finally getting to his door, I mentally thanked Izu for making me memorise the schools layout, even if it meant less cuddle time with Eri I could now get him the help he needs. Hehehe he was his own downfall, or maybe salvation? ugh I'm getting off track, stay focused, for Izu.

I knocked and went in, only to be met with Ass-might in skinny form as well as Nezu.

'You know Nezu I came to talk to you about a private matter, which is quite important, but since the fuck up of a number one is in here I can wait' I say, showing I was slightly more than pissed at him being here.

'WHAT... H-HOW DI...' All-might stuttered

'Simple, you told someone, that someone died not before telling Deku, Deku did a little digging to get to All for One and dug up your secrets as well, it wasn't that hard so I'm surprised more people haven't figured it out, you're way too loosed lipped. And of course family doesn't keep secrets, not that you would know anything about that would you?'


'All-might please leave, we can continue that discussion later, this one I believe is much more important' Nezu states snapping All-might out of his rage


'Leave, I will not say so again' Nezu says as his tone and demeanour become unsettling, All-might gulps and makes his way out not wanting to anger him any more, 'So then Himiko Toga, what is it you would like to discuss'

'I would like to know if... there is a therapy program set up' I ask, mentally slapping myself for losing it halfway through.

'Hm, there is, would you like me to put you in it?'

'Its not for me, it's actually for Deku'

'And why would Atlas need therapy, from the official records it seems you should be the one in therapy?'

'Officially maybe, but in reality it's a different story'

'How so?'

'Well you see Deku isn't just a villain, hero and vigilante but also a great therapist, all the people you say he kidnapped(he actually saved) and when he took them away he gave each and everyone of them unique treatment until it got too much, but at that point he had people who wanted to help others as he did for them, so he taught them how to be caring and considerate, which feelings to push and which to leave, how to get someone to open up, how to help someone get over aspects in their past, exercises both physical and mental that help people with anxiety and panic attacks as...'

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