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!important context! In which George and Dream ARE NOT together however both were aware they liked eachother. They had a sort of thing where they weren't dating but they were kinda like boyfriends?? Dream left to go do something for a few months, and this is a few days after he returned. :] 

angst warning 

The past few nights had been near nightmarish. The house was tense, most of the fear in the air from the two boys who no one thought it could come from. It seemed none of the people that lived there wanted to get in their way- or in anyone else's way for that matter. Silence often was the most common thing for the few long, painful days.

It was clear from the day he'd gotten home that Dream felt guilty. Even George himself could see that much- But he was willing, more than anything, to look past it and welcome his- Friend?- Home. (✨friend✨) 

Because George missed Dream. His Dream. No one else's.

He hoped. 

But the way Dream refused to meet his eye or actively avoided him hurt more than George was willing to admit, whether that be to himself or to anyone else. 

The first time he'd figured it out wasn't the worst, no. George refused to believe it- After all, rumours were more than common around the house, whether they be jokes or not. 

That was why when he was approached by an uncomfortable looking Sapnap and a nervous Bad, he was confused. 

When he was told that Dream decided George wasn't enough, he was confused.

When he was told that he was tossed to the side as soon as he was out of Dream's life, he was so very confused.

But he wasn't hurt. 

Because they were lying, weren't they? George trusted Dream. He knew Dream would tell him it was a mistake, that it never happened, that George would always be his, now and forever. No one else's.

George trusted Dream.

He didn't know what he had done that had made him not worthy of Dream- Maybe it was from the very beginning, when he had suspicions he wasn't enough. Maybe it was when he met other people that Dream realized George wasn't good enough for him. And maybe he was right, maybe George wasn't good enough. Not now, maybe not ever. 

Maybe that was why it hurt so much more when Dream confirmed it, maybe that was why it felt as if his heart was finally shattering, with each time he so much as thought of it. 

The look in Dream's eyes as he explained it, the way his own eyes glassed over with tears, it all hurt.

Those were tears he didn't want to let fall. 

But George didn't have control over that. He wanted control. He wanted to control who he loved, when his heart broke, how he felt. 

So today, he was packing.

Not to leave the house, no. He had nowhere to go.

But he wasn't staying with Dream. 

Maybe one of his friends had a mattress. Sapnap had offered to share his room. 

George wasn't exactly being organized about it- Instead he was merely tossing his belongings into a bag and hoping for the best. 

That was when he heard the door open.

"What are you doing?" 

George bit his lip until he tasted blood, but it didn't work- It didn't stop him from responding.

"Packing." He replied simply, not daring to glance at Dream for fear of his heart betraying him. (not me using a quote from another oneshot-) 

Dream leaned against the doorframe. "Wh- Why..?" He asked, more quietly.  

George shrugged, trying his best to seem nonchalant. "Sapnap offered to let me stay in his room. I don't want to sleep on the couch." He stated flatly. 

Dream couldn't hide his wince. "Oh." A pause as George tossed a shirt into his bag. "You don't.. You don't think you're overreacting?" He mumbled, even softer. It wasn't meant to be mean, but it hurt George, so cruelly, ripping his heart to shreds. 

The brunet giggled dryly. "Overreacting?" He echoed, near eerily. "Oh, no, I'm just leaving so you can share a room with your new friend." George smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes as he gazed at Dream.

Dream swallowed hard, barely able to maintain the eye contact. "No, George that-" He began, eyes pleading. But George had already looked away, stuffing more things into his bag. "We weren't- We weren't even dating." The blonde reasons cautiously.

George nods curtly. "So I'm taking my leave. 'We weren't even dating,' so you shouldn't mind so much." He replies, a poison to his words that was hastily covered by the fake sweetness. 

Dream can barely comprehend this. "I was allowed to do it, George, because we were never together." He tries again as George begins to zip the bag closed. Nothing he could say would prepare him for this, though, nothing. "You can't- You can't do this." Dream knew his argument was pitiful, pathetic even, but he wasn't thinking straight. All he wanted was for George to stay, for things to go back normal.

But they couldn't, could they? 

George smiles icily. He stares at the wall for a moment, his hands going limp and falling to his sides, as once again, his heart was stabbed. 

"Oh." He whispers softly. "It's nice to know, Dream, that you cared so much about me- I meant so much to you, that the moment I was gone from your life you'd run off with someone else. Thanks." 

Dream flinches, the words cold and piercing, sending chills down his spine and hurt to his heart. "George, please."  

George determinedly shook his head to himself, closing his eyes for a heartbeat. Then, he snatched up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder with a subtlest sigh. He walked up to Dream, pausing in front of him. Hope filled the taller's eyes as he held his breath. 

"You're in front of the door." George said coldly, nodding to the hallway. 

Dream could feel himself break, right then and there. But all he could to was nod and step back as the boy he loved walked away, to be met with the warm smile of Sapnap. The blonde could only watch as Sapnap gazed at him near sadly before turning away and closing the door behind the both of them. 

So maybe George wasn't enough for Dream- But, George decided, as Sapnap played stupid YouTube videos to make the both of them feel better, maybe Dream wasn't enough for George. 

Word count: 1113 

angst pog

This one's kinda open ended so you may take whatever you'd like from it :] 

kinda wanna write one where it's George who cheats instead - oh well 

Also You'll Be Back came on while I was editing and oH MY GOSH LMAO JDJFJDJD

Have a wonderful day! <3 


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