discord server and recycling bin III

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not much this time, but I've been pushing myself out of my comfort zone a bit and trying to use my words differently and stuff :] as always, these are unedited and random!

also!! the cool people on my ✨discord server✨ have already seen the first out of the three, so if you're interested come and join! :D you can talk to me and others, listen to music, and share your art (whether it be writing, drawing, anything)

https://discord.gg/qzsmH3DpfB  (you can copy and paste the link into your browser or ask me for one in the comments! :] it shouldn't expire (hopefully) so feel free to join at any time!!) 


fluff :]

learned a new word and wrote this inspired by it :] 

"And what do you write, Dream?" George asks coolly, slim fingertips waltzing across a worn keyboard with little thought. 

His head tips swiftly to look at the other.

Dream wants to speak, he wants to pour everything into his words, he wants to let thousands of worlds spill from his tongue in such smooth rhythm it leaves them both gasping for air as they drown in paragraphs upon paragraphs.

Dream wants to leave burns wherever his words linger on skin, he wants to burn the world with each letter and with each graceful push and pull of sentences.

And he wants George to know it all.

"Um." He says instead.

George's lips pull at the edges, making him glow softly with a kind, gentle tease.

"Eloquent." He states sarcastically, the word splayed stunningly across his tongue.

Dream knows what the word means, of course— It's one of his favourites, sharp yet so smooth and soft at the same time.

He likes how it sounds coming from George, too, and a sheepish grin dances across his lips against his will.

George himself, Dream decides, is simply dripping with eloquence, in the way even the simplest of sentences warps itself into something that draws Dream in with painful ease, in the way each of his smooth movements fit together in a faint rhythm, like ocean waves or a sweet song.

George is eloquent visually, too, in the way his hair and eyelashes dust over smooth skin and frame sweet brown eyes filled with the glow of a thousand autumn evenings.

But when Dream parts his lips to say all this, only a gentle chuckle falls from them, and so his words remain trapped as he sits down in his own seat and opens his own laptop.

George hums absently as he saves his work. "I think you have a lot of words, Dream."

Dream looks up suddenly, wanting so badly to scream to the world that yes, yes he does!

But yet maybe he doesn't have to, because George tilts his head slightly once more to let brown eyes meet green.

"Maybe you just don't know how to say them."

Dream reaches out, and the delicate, soft pads of his fingertips brush George's palm. The brunet's eyes flutter in delicate surprise, but he simply smiles softly and intertwines their hands, weaving them together with ease, as if they were simply meant to be there.

For once, Dream is left without words.


fluff :]

can be taken however you like— maybe George is colourblind, maybe he's not. who knows? 

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