Storms Can Lead To Anything

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George finds a small marshmallow object out in the storm one night, and doesn't know what to do with it 

No warnings :] just some nice fluff for y'all while I work on my new story

Enjoy! <3 

It was raining, that night.

Not just a drizzle. 

A pouring, hammering rain that shook you to the core with each crash of thunder or harsh gust of wind that ripped through the treetops mercilessly. The kind of rain that makes you flinch with each strike of lightning that sends eerie bright light across the opened skies, for a millisecond lighting up your entire world before collapsing back into the dark and dreary greys and blues of the storm. 

The kind of rain that had George stuck inside his apartment, the lights involuntarily out. He snuggled into a blanket, shivering against the cold, as his heat was no longer working, courtesy of the power outage. His bedroom was illuminated eerily by candles. 

George had long grown immune to the sharp pattering of rain on his glass window and on the ground. So that was why, when he heard a particularly loud pattering, he didn't take much notice. 

But, when the loud hammering was chorused by soft whimpers, George let his tired eyes flutter open. He hadn't slept, too cold to do so, but too tired to do anything. The blanket George had wrapped tightly around himself drifted to the ground as he stood, drowsily scanning the area the best he could. 

At first, he could see nothing out of the ordinary. Rain, clouds, lightning, and more rain. 

Then, something small and white, contrasting from the deep greys of the world, caught his eye. George blinks for a moment, at first convinced his tired eyes were playing tricks on him. But the small marshmallow looking object stayed, and even in his drowsy state George could feel curiosity poking at him. 

Briskly, or at least, as briskly as he could, George pulled a grey hoodie over his head and walked out the door.

In an instant, he was soaked through, needing to constantly push his brown hair out of his eyes. He struggled to jog through the thick sheet of rain towards his window. 

George presses himself against the wall beside his bedroom's window in a fruitless attempt to escape the rain, eyes flitting around in mild confusion as he searched for the small white object. For a moment, he doesn't see anything, and prepares himself to return inside with a annoyed huff. 

But then, another soft whimper makes George snap back to attention. 

His soft brown gaze finally settles on a small white object, the very same he saw whilst inside. 

But there was just one issue: The object wasn't an object-

It seemed to be alive. 

It had a small body that resembled, quite literally, a marshmallow. His head was a perfect sphere, with two dots as eyes and a line as a mouth, which was crumpled into what George could only assume was fear. The little thing, which was about the size of maybe George's hands, was gazing around with pure terror and sadness, spinning in a circle as if it had nowhere to go. Small scuffs of dirt and blood mixed with the perfect white colour. 

Even though his expression consisted of two dots and a line, the utter pain on this little thing's face made George's heart melt. 

Cautiously, now ignoring the rain, George crouched, softly clicking his tongue. 

The little marshmallow spun around, it's eyes shrinking visibly in fear as it stumbled backward, tripping over itself in its haste. 

George hummed softly. "Hey, hey.. It's okay.." His voice was soft, sweet, and in the blob's eyes, it drowned out the rain and comforted him. 

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