Requests! :D

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Melli here, and this isn't a oneshot. It's not terribly important, so you don't have to read it, but it'd be pretty pog if you did :] 

I'm kinda nervous about this so bear with me here lmao 

So I've decided to open up my dnf oneshot requests! yayyy (insert exciting music here or something idk man just tryna hype it up) 

I have a few ideas myself, but I can't think of everything, sooo since I recently hit 500 reads (over 600 now wtf you're insane guys ily <3) I'd like to hear what you guys want me to write!

It can be anything from a simple idea to a writing prompt that's open ended, or even a full out short story! (If it's something elaborate and you only want to share the ending with me, you can of course message me! I promise I'm not that scary, despite my crazy writer mind haha) 

Also, don't feel like your idea is dumb! No idea is a bad idea :] if you'd like me to take my own creative liberties on an idea because you feel it needs something ✨extra✨ I will definitely try my best to do so! 

Now, onto the more serious and important stuff.

There are, of course, rules and restrictions. Please read them before requesting anything. 

Your idea must be easy to translate into a oneshot. The most amount of parts I'll do for a oneshot is five. Of course, I can always smush a story together a little, so don't feel too restricted by this rule! If something does happen to be too long, that's okay! I won't be too strict for this one. :] 

Please don't beg me to write something or pressure me. I have a life (shocking, right?) with school and things, so it might take time for me to write certain things and get around to looking at your idea. If I take a while, please don't take it personally, I'm just kind of stressed sometimes and I like to write at my own pace. 

If I do not want to write an idea, I have the right (haha no pun intended) not to. Please, like I said in the last rule, do not pressure me or ask more than once- Which leads me to the next rule!

Please do not spam your idea. One comment per idea. You can have more than one request, of course, and make another comment with that idea, but don't constantly comment the same one, it gets annoying. You have the same chance to get a oneshot as everyone else, no matter how many times you ask. So only ask once! 

Don't be rude! It's honestly heartbreaking to me to see people in comment sections talking about how people 'stole their idea' or saying a person's idea is bad. Remember, great minds think alike! And all ideas are good ideas :] so have an open mind and be kind! (Ooh that rhymed) 

However, that's not to say you can purposefully repeat someone's idea, word for word. If you can, try and come up with something new! If you like an idea, please reply to the comment, and I'll probably look at it more closely since more than one person likes it :D 

If you're nervous your idea is "bad" (it's not!) or you'd just prefer to be anonymous, or anything, I gotchu! feel free to message me with your request instead :]  

NO NSFW. Ever. Please. No sexual implications, either. It makes me uncomfortable. Especially because Dream and George are real people. No exceptions. 

I may do something slightly spicy, but no guarantees. If you want, request it, but I can't promise I'll write it. But I'd rather you try than not, because who knows? I might write it :] 

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have an idea, tell me! Don't be afraid, I beg you. I love hearing other people's ideas and such, and I'd honestly be so happy if you did request something. 

let me know if you would like to remain anonymous when I write the idea. If you don't say anything, I will use your username at the a/n at the beginning of the oneshot. 

Finally, DO NOT MAKE REQUESTS ANYWHERE BUT THIS CHAPTER. I would prefer all requests stay in one place.

What I really like to write: aus, fantasy, magical stuff, cute things, angsty things, writing prompts, slow burns, most things, as long as they aren't mentioned in the will not write section :] 

What I will write, but am slightly less likely to pick: stories that are based off of the actual Dream and George vids/interactions, SFW heated kissing scenes/detailed makeouts, love-at-first-sight (the kind where they get into a relationship super fast lmao), MENTIONED triggering things

What I WILL NOT write: smut/any nsfw, direct things that are particularly triggering (things like suicide, self harm, that type of thing. This may change in the future, but for now I'd rather not, as I'm not super researched on the topic.)

Anyway, come up with some wonderful ideas and give them to me! If you're on the edge about whether or not a request is okay to comment, that's perfectly okay! As long as it is sfw, I'll look at it! :] 

!Requests Here. This is the only place where I will take requests. Anywhere else, *unless you message me* and they will be ignored.!

Enjoy, and have a wonderful day! Ily guys, thank you again for 600 reads <3 


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