Crimson Prince extra scene!

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a heavily unedited extra scene of crimson prince that I really liked, but didn't end up in the final oneshot :] it takes place in between the fourth and fifth 'interaction' of George and Dream 

crying and angst and swearing, y'all know the drill :] 

Enjoy! <3 

"Throw him into the dungeons. Tell his family." Spat the Queen.

Clay refused to call her his mother any longer. 

"Why are you doing this?" He asked. He had meant to sound stern and strong, yet his tiny voice shook with pain. 

The Queen smiled. It was a terrible smile that sent shivers down the prince's spine, shivers that felt like claws, digging into his skin. 

"Oh, my dear Clay, my lovely son." She sang.

"I'm not your son." Spat Clay suddenly, white-hot fury coursing through his veins. George whimpered softly.

"Clay, it isn't worth it.." He began, only to be silenced by his own cry of pain as the blade sank further into his skin.

The Queen turned on George. "Don't you dare speak, you disgusting town boy!" She snarled, making the brunet flinch visibly. 

"Don't fucking talk to him!" Clay hissed, taking a small step forward. 

"Oh, Clay, you see, this is exactly why he must die.." She murmured, her voice laced with fake sympathy. "Your vision is tainted by him. Can't you tell? He manipulated you. You will have a lovely Queen one day, not this weak child." 

Clay's fists clenched. "No! I love him! Your vision is tainted by your own fucking greed and idiocy! You- You-" He fell silent suddenly as George was shoved to the ground.

"One more word out of your mouth, Clay," The Queen exhales with mocking kindness. "And he may not live to see another day. Not that he would see many more anyway.." 

Clay froze in place. "You are a sorry excuse for a mother." He whispered, dangerously quiet, backing up as he watched the guards drag George backward.

The brunet didn't scream, didn't beg for mercy. He just followed silently, his head down. 

Clay slumped to the ground as the woman he had once called his mother left the room. His entire body was numb, yet he could feel such a burning, terrible, almost indescribably horrid pain, even without physical wounds.

This hurt so much more.


Clay slipped down the long row of cells, gazing at each one for a heartbeat in turn, waiting for the moment he saw who he was looking for.

When he did, though, his breath caught in his throat and he fought a sob. 


George's voice was so small, so vulnerable. He was crumpled on the hard concrete floor, his knees pulled close to his chest, eyes wide and glassy as he gazed at the prince. 

Clay's hand wrapped around the hard metal bar, the tears finally escaping his eyes. George stood up, wrapping his own fingers around the blonde's with a soft exhale.

"Don't cry, love." George murmured, letting his thumb run over Clay's knuckles. The prince swallowed back his tears. "It'll be okay."

Clay let the tears fall, wishing he could slump into George's arms.

All he wanted was his beautiful blue boy.

Yet he couldn't even have that much.

Word count: 531 

laughs in I'm too lazy to edit this rn

alSO two updates in one day pog! this may happen often since I haven't got much else to do other than writing oneshots lmao

have a wonderful day! <3 


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