When they think you are human only to find out you are an android/deviant

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None of the scenarios are connected. So in this one the MC is an android/deviant, but in the next one the MC is whatever you want them to be again.

Requested by: EllieCandy0

Sorry if this is bad, I wrote it when I had just woken up.


He was unsure what he should do, if he should bring you in or not. When you asked him not to tell anyone, he frowned, saying he will not but he does not understand why you are acting like a human so please explain it. While you explained it, he nod, interested that an android can do all this and some of the things you told him you felt he also felt which made him wonder why this is and if it's a malfunction. Whenever he felt some weird thing, he would ask you about it, asking if this is normal and if you also feel this, saying he has never felt this before but now he is and he does not understand it.


It was hard for him. He wasn't a big fan of androids so dating one was a tough decision. So when you became a deviant, he felt relieved, happy you finally realized you can also feel emotions and aren't just a slave to the humans. He saw you less as a emotionless android and more as a person with feelings and hobbies.


She was shocked when she heard, saying you look so human and act so much like them. She got curious, asking you why you began acting like a human. While you told her your story of why you do it, she listened closely, not judging you for your choice, knowing how cruel humans can be to some androids and understanding why you would wish to act like a human and hide the fact you are an android. When you were finished, she put her hand on your shoulder in an assuring manner, telling you you can act like an android around her if you feel more comfortable that way, but if you wish to keep acting like a human, she won't judge you at all and support your choice.


He didn't mind dating an android, he was just confused as to why you thought you had to lie to him. He asked you why, why you lied to him and didn't just tell him the truth, worriedly asking if you don't trust him. When you told him you were scared, he assured you he would never judge you so if there is anything else you feel scared to tell him, you don't have to worry and you can tell him. 

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