If you are a singer

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I finally played Far Cry 5 and now I have an obsession with the Seed family, especially John and Joseph.


When he has nothing to do during work, he will begin searching you up on the internet to hear any news, for instance maybe a new album or such so when he sees you later, he knows what he can start a conversation about. When you come home, exhausted, he will watch you before asking if he can do anything for you. Bring you a glass of water, prepare a bath, such stuff. When you tell him something that could help, he will immediately go do it. If you say you are good, just need to rest for a few minutes, he will nod and leave you alone so you can rest in peace.


He thinks it's good that you are doing what you like, he just dislikes that he knows there are a few pictures of him out there and he knows for sure people are insulting him for how he looks, he doesn't even need to go check the comments, he just knows they are. When you tell him not to think about that and there will always be people out there who will say such things, even if you are the most beautiful person on Earth, he let out a chuckle and asked if that's supposed to cheer him up before shrugging, saying he doesn't really care about it anyway so it doesn't matter.


She's very happy you managed to do a job where you can do what you love. She doesn't even need to ask when you have a concert, she can tell by how you act and trying to get into some outfit for on stage. When you struggling with an outfit, she will help you, telling you she's sure you will do amazing so don't be nervous and be sure to have fun.


If he knows some people in Jericho like you, he will ask you to come perform some songs for them so you can raise their spirits and make them feel better. If you write a song about how androids and humans should live in peace together or how androids are not slaves, he will appreciate that a lot and thank you so much for it, saying he doesn't know how he could repay you for this.


When you have a performance while he works, he will watch your performance during work. When someone asks him to do something he doesn't want to do or isn't important, he will say he's doing something more important so he can't. He doesn't like when you have to wear some revealing clothes since he knows there are always some creep/disgusting fans who will write weird stuff about it or draw weird stuff about it. When you read negative comments, he will cover it with his hand, telling you to ignore those idiots.


He pays for most of your things. Costumes, stages, equipment, such things. When you ask him how you can repay him for all that, he will chuckle and tell you he loves nothing more than your singing so just continue singing and having fun and he will be happy.

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