Gavin Reed ~Catch Up~

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Requested by: JustNicholeYa and EllieCandy0

WARNING: A ton of cursing since, well, it's Gavin.

When you hug him:

He will let out a noise you could only assume meant "what the fuck?" before he wrapped his arms around you, asking you why you are suddenly hugging him. When you gave him a smile and said you simply felt like hugging him, he hummed before putting his chin on you and just relaxing.

When he walks in on you changing:

He wanted to leave but then he smirked when he saw you, flirtly saying hello. When you told him to get out, he wanted to ask why only to curse when you threw your hair brush before he called you insane and said he's already leaving, making sure to slam the door and yell to lock the door then if you don't want anyone to enter.

When you both buy a new house:

He will groan as he drops a box making you yell not to drop them since he will break stuff but he just rubbed his back, saying he hates moving boxes. When you called him old and made jokes that he can't carry a few boxes inside, that was enough for him to carry all the boxes inside with no break nor help to prove to you he's not old and he can easily do this.

When you tell him you are going for a walk at night:

He will ask you why the fuck you are going for a walk in the middle of the night, asking if you are hoping to get assaulted. When you told him not to overreact, he held up his hands, saying fine, but he won't be on the case of your murder since he warned you.

When you are drunk:

He will laugh at all the weird stuff you say and do as he himself is a bit drunk, drinking his drink. If you are both at a bar and someone from another table complains about you, Gavin will be quick to tell them to fuck off and focus on their own drink. When he thinks you had enough, he will steal your drink and tell you you had enough before he pulls you up and drags you home, where he will push you to the bedroom, telling you to get into bed. As you walked to the bedroom, he was quick to add in a drunken yell not to puke on the bed or he will murder you. When you yelled back you know he would never since he could never harm you, he huffed and yelled back to go to sleep.

When you have a nightmare:

He will wake up with a groan, not happy his sleep got disturbed before he stared with a "what the fuck" look as you kept moving around before he nudged you awake. When you asked him why he woke you, he told you you were having a nightmare. When you apologized for waking him up, he shrugged and said it's fine. He stayed up a few minutes so he can be sure you're fine before he went back to sleep.

When he thinks you are human only to find out you are an android/deviant:

He was unsure what to think so all that came out of him was, "What the fuck?", his brain trying to process this new information about his lover, who he thought was a fucking human.

When you come out as (your sexuality) to him:

He will shrug, saying okay, unsure why the hell you are telling him since that's your business, not his. When you ask him if he has a problem with it, he cocked up an eyebrow before asking you why the hell he would have a problem with your sexuality, mumbling as long as you don't force it on him or try to change him he's fine with whatever you want to be, before casually changing the conversation, saying he's hungry so he's ordering pizza, asking if you want anything.

If you are the same gender as him:

He felt weird at first, never having known he was gay and he only ever dated the opposite gender so this was weird for him and needed some getting used to. He felt very awkward at first but eventually he was like, "Fuck it, I'm gay now, whoever has a problem with it can go die."

When you speed:

He will ask you if you are trying to kill him. When you told him you thought he would be excited for this, he huffed and said he is when he's driving but not when you are driving because you will get you two killed. You can be a good driver and he will still claim you are a bad driver.

When you send him a sweet/kind text:

He will pull his phone out, thinking "What the fuck is this text?" before ignoring his work and texting you back, asking what's with the lovey dovey message. When you send back you just felt like sending such a message, he couldn't help but let out a huffed chuckle before he send back not to disturb him during work. He send that but he spend the next hour just texting you.

When you are overworking:

He will flop down aside you, asking you why the hell you are still working. When you told him you have to finish this, he hummed, eyeing it before he stole it making you yell and try to snatch it, but he held it away from you, telling you you can have it back after you take a break.

When someone insults your relationship and you defend it:

He was ready to punch the person, but you were quicker to tell the person to stop whining about someone else's relationship and focus on their own lonely life. While the person stormed away, Gavin chuckled and wrapped his arm around you before he sighed and said he would have still liked to punch them.

When you spill water on your chest in public and your shirt becomes see-through:

He whistled, saying this is exciting. When you gave him a glare and covered your chest, saying this is embarrassing, he rolled his eyes but shrugged his jacket off and threw it to you, telling you to cover up then.

When you ask them weird questions:

He will ask you what the fuck you're on about, asking if you smoked something. When you gave him unimpressed eyes, he asked you what's with those eyes because you are the one asking the weird questions.

When you tell them they look great:

He will huff in amusement and say of course he does, smugly adding he always does.

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