If you smoke

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He will give you a whole list of things that are bad about smoking, even the small and lesser known things, and ways that help with stopping. When you are smoking near others, he will frown and say you shouldn't make others secondhand smoke and should smoke a little further away from people if you really do need to smoke.


He doesn't really care. He will tell you that stuff is bad for your lungs, only to huff when you reply with so is his drinking. So when he was downing beers and you were smoking your second smoke, he couldn't help but chuckle before saying you both must look like a mess for outsiders.


She's always giving you things to help you stop smoking like giving you gum so when you feel like having a smoke you can chew some gum instead. When you reach for a smoke, she's quick to tell you it's not healthy.


He will advise you to stop, telling you the terrible things it can cause. When you are rushing around the house, starting to get annoyed, asking where your damn smokes are, he will sigh but hold it to you, telling you there are other ways to relieve stress, angry, annoyance, and other ways to feel better besides smoking.


His only rule is no tot smoke in the house since he doesn't need the house smelling of smoke. When he comes home from work to see you having a smoke out on the door step, he will flop down aside you with a groan and ask you what you did with your day besides smoking and slowly killing yourself.


His only rule is not to smoke inside the house. So when you are having a smoke and shivering at the cold, he will usually come out to throw a jacket over your shoulders. He enjoys watching you groan as an Chloe talks your ear off about how bad smoking is.

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