When you are both at a clothing store and you help them pick out clothes

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He will be confused, saying his suit is good enough for him. When you tell him he should pick some comfortable clothes he can wear just around the house, he glanced down to his suit, thinking his suit is comfortable enough to wear around the house as well but decided to look around anyway. He didn't really pick anything, just looked around, so you had to hold up some stuff and he either shook his head at it or said he likes that.


For him it's just if it's decent and it isn't torn, it's good enough. So you decided to go with him to the store and try to help him find a style. But he declined everything, also complaining about the new style a bit, holding up very short shorts and asking who the hell wears this and that you might as well just walk around in your underwear. When you called him old, he gave you unimpressed eyes before walking to the exit, saying he wants to get out of here.


She will let you suggest some styles for her, watching as you hold up clothes to her to see if it will work for her. She will ask if she needs to wear it so you can see if it looks good on her better. If you nod, she will take the clothing items you have for her and get changed into it. If you shake your head, she will nod and say she trusts you to pick something good for her.


He will follow, really hoping you pick good clothes for him. When you hold up something he doesn't like, he will give you a frown, saying maybe not and it doesn't really say anything to him. When you hold up something he likes, he will take it for closer inspection, saying this looks good.


He will huff, saying he doesn't need you to pick his clothes for him and that he's old enough to do this himself. When you still do it, he will sigh but let you be. When you finished and held all the clothing pieces up, he took them and began looking through. The ones he didn't like he just tossed on some random hanger. As he threw it on the counter to pay for, he admitted you picked well so he might drag you along the next time again.


He will just give you his card and tell you to enjoy yourself. Usually he will sit on some chair and wait until you are done, but if you wish to shop for him, he will follow you around, chuckling at the clothes you pick for him. When you finish and tell him to try it on, he will try it on in the changing room, coming out to strike some poses to show it off and get your opinion.

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