When you want to cut your hair yourself

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He first suggested to search up a few videos on how to do this. As you cut it, he held a mirror up so you can see the back of your hair. He stayed quiet so you can have full concentration. Once finished and you asked how it looks, he nod in approval, saying it looks very good.


He just watched, asking if you are sure about this. When you nod, he hummed in a tone that clearly said he's not sure about this but he still just let you be. If it turns out well he will jokingly ask if you can also do his hair.


She will stare with worried and unsure eyes, asking if you really think this is a good idea, assuring you she can do it for you since she can at least see the back of your head. When you told her you are sure and began cutting away, she frowned with worry and doubt but let you be.


He searched up a few videos about it with you, saying what he thinks would work best for you and that he can help if you need him to. As you cut it, he watched, making sure to tell you when you are about to make a wrong cut or do it for you when you ask him to do it.


He laughed when you told him before taking a beer and leaning against the wall and enjoying the show of you cutting your hair and making weird expressions in concentration and annoyance. When you told him to go do something more useful, he hummed before saying no, claiming this is way more amusing. Once finished, he eyed it before admitting it looks good for a haircut done by yourself at home.


He will just hold out a bunch of money, telling you to skip the "ruin your hair and regret it all" part and just get it done at a barber. But if you are determined to do it yourself and go away to go cut it, he will just tell a Chloe to go make sure you don't ruin your hair.

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