Lullaby (Chapter Sixty One)

Start from the beginning

"Okay baby then That's the one." I said putting it up to the register. "Big day coming up?" The lady said and Mia smiled "school!" She said throwing her hands up. "You are too cute!" The lady said smiling "I know mommy and daddy tell me all the time!" She said causing my heart to melt "that's right baby!" I heard Austin's voice behind me. "Daddy!" Mia said turning around and running up to him arms out waiting to be picked up. "Hi baby girl." He said picking her up and kissing her all over her face and she just giggled.

I turned around and handed the women my card before feeling Austin's hand on my back "hey there pretty girl." He said still holding Mia and kissing me. My heart still melted at his words all this time later, Im still just as in love with him now as I was back then. Mia loved to talk about anything "my daddy." She said pointing to Austin holding her and telling the lady behind the cash register, Austin well post malone is still one of the biggest artists in the world and he's held onto this title for years no one can beat him he's just that talented.

"Your post malone!" The women said smiling and Austin nodded "that's me." He said looking down at me smiling. "Can I have a picture with you?" She asked and Austin of course said yes as he put Mia down. "Your family is so cute thank you guys!" The lady said as we left. "You coming to get your nails done?" I asked Austin as we walked towards the nail salon, he was holding one of Mia's hands and I was holding her other and austin had the bag with her dress in it. "Of course!" He said and Mia giggled "you're gonna paint your nails?" She said still giggling "of course!" He said causing her to giggle more as we entered the salon.

Mia got her nails painted yellow to match her dress, I got a clear coat, and Austin painted his black of course, Mia thought it was great she really got a kick out of it. We got stopped maybe two or three more times so Austin could take pictures which was fine I couldn't complain. We pulled up at home with Austin behind us in his vehicle. He picked it up at the airport where he left it when he flew for tour.

Once the kids were asleep me and Austin headed to our room so we could have sex because god I missed him "come here!" He said picking me up and throwing me on the bed while climbing on top of me "god you're so beautiful." He said kissing my lips and then moving down to my jaw, and then down to my neck and slowly down to my chest lifting my shirt up. And looking at me "god your boobs will always be one of my favorite things." He said grabbing them and rubbing them. He then took my nipple into his mouth nibbling and flicking his tongue across it causing me to let a moan out.

Luckily for us our room isn't really close to the kids room so they can't hear anything thankfully. "God you're so hot." He said coming back up kissing me again, I can feel his penis rub up against me and it just sends chills down my spine I wanted him so badly. He got up off of me pulling his shirt off and then pulling my pants off me. I sat up undoing his jeans and pulling them down along with his underwear. "Baby you don't have to." He said looking down at me. "I know." I said climbing off the bed and going down to my knees.

I took his penis into my mouth, and he gathered my hair holding it to keep it out of my face. Hey I didn't get knocked up by this man twice from not having a healthy sex life we have a good time. Even though Mia was conceived the first time with him it was still great. I moved my mouth up and down and ran my tongue up and down the base and then swilled around the tip. I looked up at him and see him staring back down at me with those blue eyes. He let out A moan as I swilled my tongue around the tip. After a few more moans he pulled me up kissing me "god you're so hot." He said spinning me around and bending me over the bed. "God you're so wet." He said as I felt him enter me.

"Austin." I said moaning his name as he moved back and forth picking up the pace. Don't worry I'm on birth control now and he's wearing a condom. We're done with kids we're both happy with two. I felt him starting to cum which worked for me because I was cumming too. "God you're so perfect." He said laying next to me. "I love you Lanney Post" he said kissing me.


"Who's ready for school!" I said packing Mia's lunch box at the kitchen counter while she was eating the breakfast I had made. "Hello my beautiful girls." Austin said walking into the kitchen putting a shirt on. Zachary was still asleep but Jodi is going to come watch him while we take Mia to school. "Did you ever think this would be your life?" I asked kissing him "nope but I would never change it!" He said kissing Mia.

Austin's POV

Lanney walked out of the kitchen to check on Zachary. "Are you ready baby girl? I'm so happy I get to be here for this milestone." I said sitting next to her. "I'll give you everything i never have. Money usually makes a never home dad, I'm so sorry I'm not here to dry your tears. All the dreams I had I still see them in your eyes." I said smiling at her. Sometimes I hated my job because it kept me away from my family, my kids. I've missed some of the most important things like her first words, but Lanney never makes me look bad. But I wish I could be a stay at home dad with Lanney.

But when I'm on tour in a room full of people I feel alone, I feel alone without Lanney and my kids. "Ready?" Lanney said walking back in the kitchen with Jodi behind her. "Yes!" Mia said smiling and jumping up and down. she looked so beautiful in her dress. We got into the car and drove to the school all getting out of the car. "Here we go." Lanney said smiling at me. Our first born was going to kindergarten, how could that be possible. We walked in through the door and honestly we both expected Mia to have a melt down when we left but she didn't she hugged and kissed both of us and then took off running to play with the other kids. "I thought she'd cry not me." Lanney said wiping a tear as I hugged her "she's defiantly our child." I said causing her to laugh.

When we got home I had a appearance on the Jimmy Fallon show through video so I decided to set up in the spare room and we were halfway through with the interview and Zachary came running into the room "daddy!" He said jumping in my arms. "I'm so sorry!" Lanney said running behind him a few seconds too late "it's okay!" Jimmy said laughing "I get it, I have kids." Lanney smiled and nodded "come on Zachary let's go get some food!" She said and he nodded running to her and I just laughed turning my attention back to Jimmy, funny thing is he kept that in the edit for the show, but I loved it, everyone got to see my son, with the blue eyes like me run up to me yelling daddy. I was so happy with my life.

One more chapter left!!

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