Bad Dream 😣

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*newly engaged Reggie and Luke wake up at midnight by their daughter because of a nightmare *

Requested by: @jayloslife

Pair: ruke /romance


Luke was snuggled  onto Reggie's chest fast asleep as Reggie played with his fiancé's brown locks
Reggie looked down at Luke hearing his faint little snores making Reggie smirk slightly as
He kissed Luke's forehead
as he too soon began to doze off 

just as his eyes shut close a loud cry and sniffle erupted into their room making Luke jumped awake looking to the door as Reggie followed his Gaze there in the doorway stood a black haired green eyed 2-year-old girl

Their beloved daughter
Julia grace

Was clingy to her stuffed bear that her uncle Alex had given to her for her birthday that following week

Luke's eyes softened seeing his baby crying into her bear

" what's wrong princess ?" Luke Asked his daughter as she looked up at him still scared

" nightmare daddy "

Luke looked at Reggie for help

Reggie nodded  knowing what Luke needed help with

" what was it about baby ?" Reggie asked her softly to not scary her

She looked down at her feet still hugging her bear boo for dear life

"... papa left sad .. me ..sad " she cried again as Reggie and Luke pulled her into a tight hug

Reggie looked at Luke seeing the tears in his own eyes as well

Reggie pulled the hug apart
Turning to Julia to look at him

" baby, I would never leave you or your daddy I love you too much," Reggie told her softly making the little girl look at him unsure

" ..p..promise ?"

Reggie just chuckled she might have Reggie's jet black hair but she was all Luke she was smart

" I promise baby "

Luke kissed Julia forehead softly

" how about we sing you a song then we can all go back to bed okay, " Luke told her sternly

Julia gave her dads sad eyes

" can I sleep with ..yous," she asked still a little bit shaken

Luke looked at Reggie making him smirk at him already knowing his answer he bit his lip

before turning back to Julia

" Okay baby, you can stay with us after your song okay ?"

She jumped into Reggie's arms making Reggie and Luke laugh

" Okay," she said excitedly


" what do you want us to sing princess ?" Reggie asked her

Julia thought for a moment

" ukle Alex's favorite please "

Luke shrugs as Reggie groaned

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