A Simple Toast 🥂

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* based on satisfied Angelica's song in Hamilton *

Pair : juke/friendship
and Julie x Nick/romance

Trigger warning ⚠️:angst, and unrequited love on Julie's part 💔

It was bright and sunny out the day was beauty everyone was giddy with glee for the happy couple everyone except the best man

"If everyone could please take your seats and give it up for the best man Luke Paterson " the DJ shouted out in glee

Everyone clapped happily awaiting his speech

" Okay I got this " he whispered in relief as he looked at her so beautiful and happy as could be

" oh how I wish that was me," he thought bitterly

Instead, he simply smiled at the couple in front of him

He simply took a deep breath
Bring the mic closer to him

" a toast to groom," he said lifting his champagne glass in the direction of Nick

" it just had to be Nick," he thought bitterly

" to the groom " chanted the wedding guest in delight

He smiled bitterly at them

" to the bride " he continued as he looked at her in her dress

"to the bride " chanted the wedding guest once again

" to your closet friend," he continued with a sad smile on his face but no noticed

"That will always be by your side "

Julie looked up at him with a smile as she grabbed a hold of nicks hand

" I wish I had just told her ..." he thought

" to your union, "he said happily trying to mask his pain

hurt him seeing her with him but he couldn't show it as much as it hurt and as much as he wanted to cry he couldn't dare show it not here not in front of her

" to the union " shouted the guests

Julie looked back up at Luke with a small smile

As he continued his speech

" and I hope that you will forever be happy together "

he looked over and saw Alex and Reggie frowning at him as he spoke those very words they knew that was a lie.

"In the hope that your love lasts an eternity!!" He finished

The guest cheered in delight as Luke sat back down

Sighing deeply regretting doing this

He looked over at Julie who was staring at him

Her gorgeous brown eyes staring at him

And for a moment his
facade had broken,

she finally was able to see the sadness that shined so brightly in his eyes

He stared back at her before she finally broke eye contact and turned to the man she had just married

" if only you knew how much I love you," he thought

But She knew...

THE END .....


This was a lot of fun to make

and yes I did base it off of Hamilton it's one of my favorite songs from the show lol🤣

Anyway I truly hope that you guys enjoyed this one shot it

And if you did please don't forget to

Comment and vote

it truly means a lot to me

that's all for now my sweet sweet lovelies ~ Savanah 😘

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