Incorrect qoutes #22

95 5 17

Alex : your future self is talking shit about you right now

Reggie : jokes on him I'll ruin his fucking life


Flynn: what makes you all smile ?

Julie : friends and family

Reggie : snacks

Luke : victory and success

Alex : face muscles


Julie : have you guys seen Reggie ?

Luke : he's been looking sadly trough the window when started raining

Alex : if it gets bad , we should probably let him in ...


Instructor : hello everyone ! Welcome to salsa class ! Who's ready to dance ?!

Reggie , hiding a bag or tortilla chips behind Flynn :

I think there's been a misunderstanding


Reggie : if the opposite of 'pro ' is 'con'

Julie : and the opposite of progress is congress

Reggie : then the opposite of constitution is -

Julie : let me stop you right there


Luke : really ? They're flirting with me ?

Julie : yes , it's disgusting !

Luke : yeah...all of them ?

Julie : yes ! how could you not notice ?

Luke : Because your the only girl I notice


Alex : how long do think it'll take ?

Reggie : I don't know , three or four

Alex :three or four what ? Days ? Weeks ?, Months?

Reggie : yeah, maybe five

Alex : FIVE WHAT ?!!


Alex : there is exactly one thing I love-

Willie : hi guys

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