Protect alex 🙌🏻

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* boys are alive in the 90s. With Bobby and Alex is being bullied and boys take matters into their own hands *

Requested by: @grassed23

Pair : Alex x Luke x Reggie x bobby / friendship

Warning 🚨: homophobic language and some angst in the beginning

The year was important to Alex it was the year met his future bandmates and best friends

It started out on a normal Monday morning well normal for Alex

He got up took a shower and got his clothes on as he stood at his mirror seeing his bruises from the day before

" just 2 more years " he whispered

He hated school, not because of his classes he actually really enjoyed it

It was because of people at his school

Somehow figured he was gay
He didn't know how but that when it started the bullying was a consent thing in his life

Every day the most popular guy
Zack would always find him
And he and his gang would beat Alex to a pulp.

His parents didn't know any of this why?

Cause he didn't his parents That he is gay and his parents were very religious and very strict

Add a gay son to mix and you got yourself some Major trouble.

He grabbed his backpack wincing as put it on his shoulder

Walking down his stairs.

Sighing as he sneaked past his parents.

" Today is going to be okay " he whispered as he started walking to school

Alex had finally made it to school he just left his 2nd class

when His anxiety slowly overtook him as saw zack behind him.

Alex ran into an unknown classroom praying that was empty

It wasn't .....

there sat 3 boys  just chilling out in an unused classroom as Alex ran in slamming the door behind them

Alex breathing rapidly got faster
He couldn't breathe.

That when one of the boys wearing  a beanie got down to him pulling into a chair

" it's... o..okay breathe with me okay," he said softly

Alex vision was fuzzy but nodded

" okay good in and out "

The boy breathe in and out

Alex copied the strangers' actions

He breathing even out but his heart still pounding like crazy.

Julie & the phantoms | one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora