Friday Night 🥀

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*Luke and Alex have been spending a lot of time together making Reggie jealous since they are exes *

Requested by: @jayloslife

Pair : ruke /romance  + mentions of Alex x Luke


Reggie hated to admit it but he was starting to get annoyed with  Alex and Luke hanging out so much

At first, it didn't bother him because Alex had willie

But now that they broke up and Alex and Luke have gotten closer it started to eat at him

It's not that he didn't trust Luke

He just .... well Alex was Luke's  ex

And it hurt seeing him with his ex even if he was his best friend

It still bugged Reggie whenever they went to hang out without him

He didn't know what to do


As Reggie was playing his bass to take his mind off things

When Luke poofed in looking all handsome as always

making Reggie's stomach flip with butterflies

" Hey baby," Luke said softly biting his lip as looked at Reggie

"Hi .... " he said he suspicious

Luke never called him baby and
if he did there was usually meaning to it

he either wanted something
or he was in a good mood

he wasn't sure which one

he was in at the moment

"I wanted to ask you something "

Ding ding we have a winner

"What is Luke ?"

Luke just smiled

"Can I please go hang with Alex on Friday?" he asked using his best puppy dog eyes

Reggie scoffed annoyed he had to even ask him that

Luke frowned looking at Reggie confused

" no Luke you can't," he said sharply

Luke looked at him even more confused now

" why not ?"

Reggie was about to lose it did he really forget , that Friday's was their date night

and he wanted to be with Alex on that very night

" wow," Reggie thought

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