Incorrect Qoutes #24

77 7 4

Flynn : how would you describe your life ?

Reggie : basically when you try to make an omelette but fuck it and ends up with scrambled but it's still okay


Luke : why are you two holding hands ?

Alex : we heard it relieves stress

Luke : oh , I thought maybe you guys were dating ....

Willie : oh we are , we're also really , really stressed


Julie : OH MY GOD ! Reggie , you're bleeding out! Quick , what's your type !

Reggie : 5 feet tall , blonde hair , blue -green eyes hella check bones


Reggie : oh

Reggie : um

Reggie : looks like red


Julie: Alex you're so tall what can you see ?

Alex : everyone's flaws


Flynn : who here can drive ?

Reggie : I played GTA a couple of times

Flynn : close enough


Julie : there are no snacks left in the kitchen !

Luke : I'm literally right here


Reggie : what if you hit your alarm clock one morning and then it hits you back ?

Flynn : that would be alarming


Luke : I have a plan

Alex : does it end in us getting in trouble ?

Luke : I said I had a plan , not a miracle


Police : come out with your hands up

Alex , still inside : *throwing both hands in the air*
I'm incredibly gay


Alex : Luke

Luke : Alex

Reggie : Reggie

Alex : you just said your own name

Reggie : it was the only one left !

Julie & the phantoms | one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora