Welcome Baby Boo 🤱🏽

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Before we get started I am in no way a doctor but I did do my research before writing but if I have anything incorrect please tell me that being said I hope you enjoy this long-awaited one shot :)


The series finale of the baby boo series 🎊 *

*continued from months too boo*

Part 2/2

* birth of  baby boo Patterson *

Pair: juke /romance
ft relynn/ romance
willex /romance

Warning 🚧:  really long chapter, swearing, mentions of a charter death, traumatic birth, angst, fluff, graphic details, be prepared to cry 🫣


12:09 pm

Julie was rushed to the hospital she was in pain she hated it but she knew that worth it to see her new child whom she had been carrying for over 9 months

" God I hate you " she screamed at Luke  as she laid down in a room 

She screamed out yet again as a contraction hit

" Are you sure you don't want an epidural? " Asked a nurse

" no, I can do this " Julie said in between heavy pants

Luke smiled at her nervously

she was so brave and beautiful

" Are you sure Jules ?" He asked

Julie glared at him he was the reason for her unbearable pain

" fuck you " she hisses out


2: 45 am

The doctor finally arrives looking at the couple happily only to revive a glare from Julie

" so are you excited to meet your bundle of joy "

" look doctor she is in so much pain can you just check her out please " he was concerned for Julie and himself he could feel her anxiety and it terrified him the last time her anxiety got this bad she almost passed out

The doctor noded

" alright let's have a look "

As checked her dilation Julie groaned as she felt what the doctor was doing the doctor sighed

"you're only dilated at 3"

Julie whimpered in discomfort

" only 3  I dilated three " he shouted out surprised as Julie squeezed his hand from the pain

Julie & the phantoms | one shots Where stories live. Discover now