Love You Know Matter What 😭

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* Luke knowing that he only has minutes left before dies decides to call Alex instead of 911 just wanting to tell him that he loves him one last time *

Requested by : @shimmerpuppylover

Pair: Aluke / romance
Reggie x Alex /friendship

Trigger warnings: swearing, major charter death , emotional  breakdown

It was a cold and chilly December night as Luke Patterson was walking around in  downtown LA listening to his AC/DC album when suddenly he pushed aside only seeing a pair of big brown eyes before him .

" hello lukey remember me ?" The voice said with rough tone almost like the guy was smirking a sense of  familiarly hit him only two people ever called lukey  his eyes widen as couldn't believe it .

" bobby ?" He questioned now seeing his ex best friend friends face for first time sense he had left home to be a musician as bobby got closer he could practically feel  bobby breath on his neck

" you finally developed a brain I see. " bobby sneered at him

" why you doing this ?"

Bobby laughed at him sinisterly
" Because you choose him over me lukey , you just had to with him "

Luke looked at him in shock as his eyes widened even more if  that was even possible ,

he had chosen Alex over bobby , he choose Alex over joining Bobby's band of misfits ,

and he wouldn't  choose anyone but Alex ever he couldn't see himself without him in life , he wouldn't change anything  .

Finally out of shocked state

" so your doing this Because I love Alex ?" He questioned

Bobby chuckled shaking his head "if only Alex could be hear see his boyfriend shake like a bitch he truly is to bad he'll miss the show " he thought

" No you see am doing this to hurt him and to teach him that if I can't have you then no one can "  he said with a sinister smirk that made Luke's inside twist

" wai..wait .. what ?"  He's eyes widened As he saw the d knife in bobby hand

" bobby please don't do this !!" He begged his once form friend

But it was too late his pleads fell on deaths ears as bobby stabbed Luke 3 times before he had stopped realizing what he had done as Luke fell to floor

Looking at his now bloodied hands and at  Luke 

" shit !!!" He thought as fleed the scene 

Luke opens his eyes hissing like a cat as he looked down at his wounds knowing that he wouldn't  have long left as losing blood , he felt completely numb he wiped away his tears as one person came to mind , the one he loved so dearly

His beloved Alex

He reached into his jacket pocket pressing his number as anxiously awaited for his sunshine to answer

" hey lukey "  Alex said full of Energy taking Luke by surprise

"Hey Alex " he said as tears began to run down his face as this was the last time he'd ever say his beloveds name again

Julie & the phantoms | one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon