Incorrect Qoutes #14

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And where back to incorrect quotes  !!!! This one took me even longer for me to find the quotes I had go digging trough tumblr and I am very proud of how this turned out so without further a due here is part 14 please enjoy ~ Savanah 😘 ❤️


Reggie : it's not gonna work , I'm not a snitch

Julie : fine , let's try something else . Tag a friend you recently robbed a house with

Reggie : LMAOOO @Luke


Alex: * screams *

Reggie : * screams louder to establish dominance*

Julie : should we do something ?

Willie, observing : no , I want to see who wins this


Luke : that movie was amazing !

Julie : it had just right amount of action and drama

Reggie : what'd you think lex ?

Alex : * takes a long sip of his chocolate milk *

Alex : could be gayer


Julie : I'm ugly

Luke: I'm pregnant

Julie confused : what ?!

Luke :oh sorry I thought we stating things that aren't true


Luke : do have a name ?

Julie : yes ?

Luke : or can I just call you mine ?

Julie :.....


Flynn :
favorite horror movie ?

Luke : it

Alex: saw

Julie : Annabelle

Reggie : high school musical after watching it I spent all of my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing and I'd be the only who didn't know the lyrics


Luke : is your name wifi ?

Julie : no , why -

Luke : Because I'm really feeling a connection

Julie : wow


Alex : I can't believe this

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