Painful Memory 😣

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Alex and Luke are fighting and it reminds Reggie of his parents making him break down *

Requested by : @jayloslife & @pixiethefirecat7

Pair: Alex x Luke x Reggie / ploy romance


It has been weeks since Luke and Alex started fighting it taking a 
The toll on Reggie every day he waking hearing the yelling he tried to push it out but it never seemed to stop and Reggie started to cry himself to sleep at night.

One morning it got really bad

" Just shut the hell up Luke " shouted Alex in Luke face

Luke face was bloodshot red

" shut up Alex you wake Reggie " he whispers shouted

Reggie rubbed his eyes he been woken up due to the consent yelling

" you think I care you, you do every morning you dumbass "

Luke rolled his eyes just listening
To Alex's rant, he too was tired of the fighting  he didn't know what he did wrong this time

" What did I even do this time," he asked simply confused

Alex rolled his eyes.

" you left your laundry on the bathroom floor now there wet "

" so you got mad because left my clothes on the floor," he asked

" yes you idiot stop leaving your stuff on the floor "

" how about you stop shouting... I forget to do the dishes, I forget the clothes in the bathroom .. big whop Alex am done   " Luke shouted

" then leave  if so done " Alex sternly

Luke and Alex stared at one another for a moment

Before they heard a glass break

They looked up by the stairs to
See Reggie crying  with glass around his feet, his face blood red

" Reggie," they said in unison

Reggie couldn't hold back anymore he had enough of the painful reminder of what was his childhood now

being replayed in his current relationship

" enough ..." he shouted

taking the two by surprise as they never once had seen Reggie yell or even angry

He panted trying to remain calm but failing he pointed at  the two

" sit down and shut up " he shouted  angrily

The two obeyed slightly scared

" I had enough of this shit I can't go to sleep due to fact that you "

he pointed to Alex his eyes glaring at Alex showing his anger

" won't stop screaming at him for the simplest of things so know that fucking feels like no you don't Because you give damn  about me," he said as tears started streaming out of eyes as

memories start to replay in his head

He could see his mother smashing a plate in front of him, his fathers yelling the consent screaming and then his father leaving and his mother sobbing by the door waiting for him to come home but he doesn't. 

" and you just let it happen because you're too much of a dumbass to stop if I lived through this once before am not about to go this again do you hear me " he shouted out clearly pissed off

The two sat on the couch were taken back by Reggie outburst

" I said do you hear me !" He shouted again

his heartbeat pounding in the chest he could hear in his ears it was so loud

The two nodded not wanting to anger him any more than he already was

" good now stop acting like children please," he said in a calmer manner now

Alex and Luke looked at one another knowing they both hurt the partner but not know what to say to make feel any better

" Sorry, Reggie... I didn't mean to bring up the past " Alex said softly as stroked Reggie's cheek 

Reggie leaned into the touch as he cried silently

as Luke embraces him into a hug soon followed by Alex hugging him as well

Reggie gave a sad smile as Luke kissed his forehead

" promise we won't end up like my parents please " he begged the two

Luke looked at Alex smiling

Alex smiled back before turning back to Reggie

" I promise you Reggie we won't be like parents "

Alex said softly giving Reggie a quick peck on the lips

" we may fight reg but in end, we love each other too much "

Luke added kissing Reggie on the forehead  making him smile

Soon the couple all fall asleep together snuggled into their couch

Reggie head on Alex's chest as Luke's arm wrapped around Reggie and Alex protectively
as Alex had hand Was Intertwined with Reggie's hand

Reggie was thankful to two amazing guys in his life

He knew for sure now that he wouldn't have to be

reminded of his parent's consent bickering anymore.

that from here on out
Things would be okay

That's the way he had fallen asleep with a smile on his face.

THE END.....

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