Panic attack 💔

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* Julie has a pain attack and Luke there to comfort her *

Pair: juke/romance

Warning 🚨:
a panic attack is mentioned

Julie was stressing all week she was stressing over her final exams and her music exam

It was killing her on top of all this she had to write 3 new songs  And take care of Carlos for the weekend 

She pacing around the room trying to calm her heart rate and distract herself from the music exam which was tomorrow.

" I'm screwed I'm screwed " she shouted out

as she felt her heart sped up her eyes close as tears started pouring out of her eyes  she couldn't breathe

she just sat down on her floor praying for it to stop


Luke poofed in all excited to talk to Julie about a new song

But he stopped dead in tracks as he saw Julie struggling to breathe and shaking on her bedroom floor
In a matter of seconds, Luke was by her side.

" Julie ?" Luke said concerned

She could barely hear his voice
It like static

" Julie? Look at me Jules " he begged

She slowly opened her eyes her vision blurry but she could  make out the shape Luke

" l...Luke " she barely got out her breathing still very uneven

He sighed of relief 

" yeah... Julie ...focus on breathing okay " Luke said begging

Her eyes started getting heavy again 

Luke noticed this and grabbed her face making her look at him

" don't close your eyes okay breathe with me "  She nodded

" okay 1...2...3..." he said as took a deep breathe in and out

Julie copies the actions as breathing evened out 

her vision started clearing up  

" th..thank " she stuttered out before she passed out on his shoulder


Luke sat there with Reggie and Alex  watching over Julie

" you sure she ..just passed out ?" Alex questioned

Reggie rolled his eyes 

" yes Alex she just went into a panic attack and then passed out " Luke  shouted to the blonde

" shit," Reggie said

Julie & the phantoms | one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt