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In this book im not saying chubby people aren't pretty enough or good enough im only saying that sometimes people do get bullied for it and it really is wrong,  this is from the girl who is getting bullies POV and this is just going to be how she feels about herself.  she bettered herself (in the worse way possible) by losing some weight so that she ways able to love herself (It takes alot though)  because loving yourself is always important. If you love yourself thats all that matters.

You can tell she gets more confident because her clothes change from baggy shirts and skinny jeans to more reaviling and that type.

Everything in this book is purely based off my imagination so please don't take any of it seriously.

This book will contain real life problems that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Enjoy this book loves

Eating disorders
Sucidal thoughts/actions
Self harm
Might be smut (Haven't figured it out yet)
Abusive relationships
Gay stuff
Mentions/attempted rape
Mentally abusive parents
Bullying over weight

I also need to say that im not saying Sunmi has anorexia and im also not saying i ship her and Yoongi i just  needed a skinny kpop idol (you'll understand why i am mentioning her later)

Oh oh and I respond to most comments so feel free to leave anything and also please give me any feed back you want to help me be better as a writer cause I know I suck

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