Part 26-Taemin

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"What the hell is wrong with you" Chul-soo glowled slamming me roughly against the wall of his studio apartment causing me to hiss in pain. I didn't respond but that only pissed him off even more, he grabbed my hair and roughly threw me onto the bed "Im going to fuck you and if you don't finish ill kill Yoongi" He smirking and i sighed.

"Please don't.. im already really sensitive" I whined and he scoffed, before crawling on top of me.


I sighed, closing my eyes tightly, thinking of Yoongi being inside of me thinking about his hands being all over me thinking of him being the one inside of me. I forced myself to halocinate.

"Oppa~" i moaned


"Be gone by the time i get out" Chul-soo said going into the bathroom, i sighed standing up and putting Yoongi's hoodie back on since that was the only thing i had. I actually did it.. i finished while halocinating that Yoongi was in Chul-soo's place.

I left the studio apartment and made my way to the side walk where i began my long walk home at 2am. I groaned as it was pretty cold and i was in nothing but Yoongi's hoodie, i sniffled a bit allowing Yoongi's sent to fill my nose. I continued the walk until i felt someone grip my arm and yank me into a alley.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here at this time dressed like that" He smirked and i swear i gagged.

"None of your buisness" I yanked my arm away from him but then he grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall with my hands above my head.

"I don't think you should talk to me like that" He growled grabbing my throat with his free hand, squeezing a bit as if warning that he could kill me right now.

"P-please" I stuttered

"Please what" He said smirking, removing his hand from my neck and moving it to my thigh pushing up the hoodie.

"D-dont" I stuttered trying to get out of his grasp but that seemed to piss him off as he moved closer to me, moving his leg to be between mine and pushing his thigh up into me. He pushed with suck force that it hurt, causiing me to nearly cry.

"You disobey me again ill kill you" He said before moving his head to my neck, kissing it and i squeezed my eyes shut tighly.

"Yoongi... please help" I mumbled sobbing. Then all of a sudden i didn't feel anything anymore i opened my eyes seeing the man on the ground with another man on top of him hitting him over and over again. I slowly feel letting my back scrap against the wall of the dirty alley, as i hit the floor i brought my knees to my chest and started sobbing louder as al of the memorys came flooding back to me.

"Hey... hey princess its okay" I heard a framiliar voice call and i looked up seeing Yoongi crouching infront of me.

"Y-yoongi?" i stuttered and he nodded smiling, i leaped foward tackling him in a hug as he held me tightly.

"Are you okay love?" he asked after we pullde away, i nodded and smiled weakily. He helped me up and held my hand as he walked me home, when we got there i was actaully quite suprised to see everyone still there.

"Yoongi i told you not go after her" Jin warned, standing up.

"I wasn't i was on my way back here from the studio and i saw some guy had her pinned against a wall in an alley" Yoongi said putting a protective arm around my waist causing me to blush.

"Oh sweetie are you okay" Jin asked worried and i nodded.

"Love lets go get you a warm bath and ill give my other hoodie i got from my studio okay" He said nad i nodded.

"But Yoongi why not just get my clothes" I asked him and he smiled cheekily

"Cause you look adorable in mine" He said and i blushed. He walked me to the bathroom and started the bath for me before leaving, i stripped all of my clothes off and looked in the mirror tracing the skin that was so tight against my ribs. Yoongi wasn't paying much attention to thay when did things cause he was to horny to pay attention which i was happy for.

I sighed and got into the warm water, relaxing, i started to fall asleep so i got out seeing a hoodie and some underwear neatly folded on the counter. I put the clothes on before leaving the bathroom, as Yoongi heard the door he jumped up and ran to me he must have saw the sleep in my eyes because of what he said next.

"Come on lets go to sleep" He said taking my hand and guiding me to my room, he slipped his shirt off leaving him in just his sweatpant that he had gotten from his studio and then we laid down before letting sleep take us over.

I woke up on a warm chest to which i smiled at, I wish Yoongi and i could just be together but Chul-soo is such a dick.

"You know its rude to stare" He said looking down at me and i blushed.

"You should go" I said softly and his eye brows scrunched

"Why" he whined

"Chul-soo might come over unannonced again" I said and he nodded, getting up

"You had a long day yesterday, stay in bed ill text you later" He said as i trued to get up, i sighed and only nodded as he slipped his shirt on and left without another word.


"Your going to the award show MAMA in hong kong and you get to preform that song you made called Gashina" Chul-soo said and i yelped with excitment. "We want you to learn the normal choreography and then the special one" He said and i nodded. "In the special one you are going to be prefoming with Taemin " He said and yet again i nodded.

Chul-soo showed me the way to the dance studio where i found some people already there "Hello miss Sunmi we are going to start off by showing you the coregraphy we have already made"


I sighed letting my body go limp on the floor, i was breathing so haevily and my body felt weak "Hey are you good" Taemin asked walking over to me and i only nodded as my stomach heaved up and down. "Your not a dancer are you" He asked and i shighed yet again.

"I like dancing don't get me wrong.. it's just that... i don't do it very often" I said and he nodded sitting down on the wood floor next to me, i sat up looking over at him and he handed me a water bottle.

"Then we will need to do alot of practicing to get you to be able to do this with ease" he said and i nodded.

"So i got your coreography memorized already aloung with yours for the MAMA prefromance" He said and i scoffed.

"What are you magic" I asked and he laughed

"You could call it that" he said looking down before meeting my eyes again "Wanna have dinner with me.. not.. like that just two friends you know" He asked and i immediatly nodded.

"I would love to" I called back.

"Great.. ill pick you up from your house at 8" He said standing up "Until the we still have a couple more hours" He pulled me to my feet.

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