Part 37- the end

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"Damn it Jungkook don't scare her" Jin scolded smacking the back of the youngers head.

"Oww" Jungkook pouted running the back of his head.

"What actually happened...  Was you almost killed your sister...  And then Yoongi pulled you off of her and you started yelling at him for cheating on you with "some hoe"and then you proceeded to beat the shit out of him"

"I...  I hurt him... " I said softly trying to sit up but only now realizing I can't move. I looked down seeing I was strapped to the bed.

"They thought you were dangerous" Jin said softly.

"I-im sorry" I started to cry and Yoongi got up quickly coming over to me.

"Hey baby don't be sorry" he wiped a tear from my cheek.  "I deserved it love"

"You still cheated on me" I said softly and he sighed doing that cute face where he stretches his lips out and squints slightly.

"I didn't...  She kissed me and purposely made it to we're you wouldn't be able to see my not kissing her back"

"Then if you didnt cheat on me how did you deserve it" I said bluntly

"Cause I didn't push her away..  Plus it's my fault for hurting a Daegu girl I should've known I was going to get my ass beat" he smiled and I giggled.

"I love you" he said softly

"I love you more"

I yawned flopping onto the bed

"It's great to be home I groaned and I heard a chuckle from behind me

"so this is your home now?" he asked and I smiled widely

"Any where you are is my home" I cooed and he gave me his best gummy smile.

"Come on I've got something for you" he pulled me up and then out the front door.

Eventually we got to a bridge over looking a beautiful lake.

"Dae...  I've loved you for longer then I can remember...  I can't picture my life without you again...  Baby will you marry me"


I yawned rolling over felling a cold spot  on the bed,  he must have left.

I slowly got up making my way to the kitchen only to find all the boys and of course Subin.

"Ready for the party?" Jungkook asked excited

"Does it look like I'm ready for the party" I scoffed and he nodded

"Fair point"

A little while later I was ready for the party and Yoongi drove us there since the boys were already there.

Once we got there Jin started yelling at us.

"ABOUT TIME YOUR LATE!!!" he dragged us both to the center of the park when the grabbed everyone's attention. 

"The guests of honors are here and this is timeeeee" he was excited.

"Pop the balloon" Everyone started chatting and we obeyed,  blue confetti fell as the balloon screamed.

We smiled

"I CAN'T WAIT TO BE AN UNCLE" Jungkook screamed and we all laughed.

My fiance pulled me into a sweet kiss

I can't wait to have this baby boy.

"I love you Yoongs"

"I love you more Dae"

BUTTERFLY (A MIN YOONGI FF) Where stories live. Discover now