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Abu Hurairah POV:

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Osman panicked, pacing back and forth around me, Huzaifah and Ali biting his lips with nervousness. He groaned with frustration, grunting and facepalming himself now and then.

Ali raised his eyebrows looking at him weirdly, "What the heck is wrong with him?" He hissed in my ear, edging closer to me.

"I have no clue." I whispered back with a poker face, staring at Osman's deranged state. Me and Ali were leaning against the wall of the mosque obediently gaping at Osman without a second of blinking.

"Cut the crap out, Hafiz Osman!" Huzaifah commanded for the first time, punching his shoulders lightly. "What's got into you?"

"I committed a major sin!" Osman hissed, his eyes holding guilt and terror.

I glowered, "Let me guess, you said a bad word for the first time? You thought you ate chicken but it turned out to be a live pig? Or did you eat a fly during your sleep but when you woke up, you realized what haram crap you ate or... did you touched the Quran without wudhu--?"

Huzaifah gave me a death glare to shut up, "He's already in a bad state, stop making fun of him."

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, he's just a drama queen. He probably ate a pig thinking it was a cow. No problem Hafiz Osman, Allah will place you in hell for about a few years and then we'll see if you end up in paradise, okay?" I teased, pretending to be as emotional as I could. "Oh Allah, what major sin has he committed?" 

Ali poked me in the ribs, "Hafiz Abu Hurairah stop teasing him!"

Huzaifah placed his arms around Osman sympathetically, "Dude, just spit it out. What's in your mind?"

"It's too embarrassing." Osman hid his face shamefully in the midst of his hand.

"Take a deep breath and tell me!" Huzaifah soothed calmly.

"I-I think I am forgetting the Quran because of my huge sin." Osman sputtered while I rolled my eyes at his overreaction. Osman was the type of person who would commit a small minor sin and magnify it a hundred times and die panicking. To be honest, it never turned out to be a sin in the first place--

"Hafiz Abu Hurairah!" Moulana Ahmed's voice boomed in the mosque after he had called the adhan, making my heart lurch up with fear as I jumped up ten feets and slammed back on the ground. "What did you do to Hafiz Osman?"

"Me?" I gasped while Ali began chuckling under his breath.

"Why is he crying?" Moulana Ahmed asked, pushing his glasses higher and staring at me threateningly. "Why are you upto no good Abu Hurairah?"

"Me?" I asked stupidly again, "Why are you blaming me? I was curious and asked him if he tasted pig in his life before?"

"I am not crying." Osman deadpanned, rolling his eyes.

"I swear I am always his first prey." I hissed in Ali's ear, gazing at Moulana Ahmed who was looking at Osman with concern.

"At least it's not me." Ali laughed.

"What's wrong Hafiz Osman?" Moulana Ahmed asked roughly. 

"He committed a major sin." Huzaifah snitched childishly.

"Ate pigs, perhaps." I added, gulping down my laughter. 

Moulana Ahmed raised his eyebrow looking at Osman with alarm, "You ate pigs? How many dear? Are you okay?"

"Twenty." I mimicked Osman's voice. 

Osman looked at me with a glare which I shrugged away carelessly. "Guys, can we all calm down. I did not eat any pigs." He whined. 

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