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Sorry everyone for the late update, I had a really busy week. I hope you guys can forgive me!

Safoora POV:

As days passed, sneezing had led me to a feverish cold, I felt sickness weigh me down like a burden.  Unsteadily, I entered the living room where Hawa and Huzaifah were seated comfortably engrossed in their work. For the past few weeks, they have been ignoring me because of their studies, like I was a child  crying for attention. Well... I did need attention cause I literally felt worthless when the two favourite people in my life ignored me.

 Hawa sat on the sofa typing rapidly on her laptop while Huzaifah bit his lips looking intensely at his blueprint that consisted the design for his mechanical invention. Abu Hurairah was also there with his apple juice in his hand and a textbook sprawled across his lap studying for his upcoming exam.

"Guys!" I yelled, hoping they would look up. No response. Everyone was zoned deeply in their own business like I was some unseen creature hovering over them. 

"Guys," I screamed with frustration, balling my fist in annoyance. All I wanted was attention from Hawa and Huzaifah, the only two people who loved me deeply. 

No response.

Suddenly an outrageous idea popped in my head, I certainly knew it will  grasp their attention. But... Abu Hurairah will be pissed and heavily embarrassed. Well, embarrassing Abu Hurairah doesn't seem like a bad idea though...

"Guys," I whispered, my sick voice giving me a boost in my performance. " I'm pregnant!"

I think I just regretted saying that because the next thing I knew... all of their head shot at my direction, flabbergasted.

Hawa and Huzaifah had their eyes widened, their jaws touching the ground while Abu Hurairah looked at me slightly dazed. 

Abu Hurairah POV:

Everything was going so fast, exams were approaching and my graduation was to be prepared soon. I on the other hand wanted to get over with everything as soon as possible, especially crossing exams off my list. I was tired of sticking to my education twenty four seven, it was exhausting, I really needed a break from all this. 


I gazed down lovingly at the text mom had sent me. My mom was the light and the guidance in my life, without her... I really didn't know where I would be right now.

Mom: Remember to practice your dour, pray your salah on time and be nice to your wife okay. I love you, you belong in my heart always. 💕

Me: I will. I love you too, mom. 

Tucking my phone away, I sat in the living room with Hawa and Huzaifah placing my head in the academic world. Dad was expecting so much from me and I wasn't sure if I could meet all his standards, especially when it came to the marriage department.

"Guys," Safoora's voice echoed in my ear. It sounded more like a bee buzzing, I quickly swatted it away and locked the doors of my mind completely hoping for no distractions. 

"I'm pregnant!" She whispered, I looked up at her boredly and rolled my eyes before looking down again. Why do I care again? I really have nothing to do with that.

I resumed studying again without a care in the world, shutting all the doors of my mind. I shouldn't get distracted by her, all I needed to do was study for exams with complete concentration.

"Are you for real?" Huzaifah asked incredulously, getting up. "Abu Hurairah did you hear that? Congratulations!"

I took a drink from my juice and looked at him cluelessly, "Congratulations for what?" My mind completely blank about about what they were saying. 

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