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Hawa POV:

"So, did you accept?" I squealed for the hundredth time, pestering Anabia while walking with her towards our class in the morning.

"Accept what?" 

I rolled my eyes, "We both know what the topic here is about."

Anabia's cheeks flushed pink, "Ugh, do you have to ask that Hawa?"

"Duh, I am already preparing for your wedding in secrecy." I cackled evilly. "Sooo... did you accept?"

"Yes," She breathed, not looking me in the eye. 

"Yes about what?" I teased, pretending to be clueless as we both entered the lecture hall that was half filled with students.

"My parents are holding the engagement tonight." Anabia clarified.

"With who?" I pressured, raising my eyebrow hoping she would say Osman's name with courage.

"Don't test my patience, you know who we are talking about." She deadpanned, taking a seat in the vast lecture hall.

I scratched my head, "Who are we talking about again? I know your marrying one of Huzaifah's friends, is it Ilyas, Adam-?"

"Shut up!" She grimaced, hitting me with her jacket, her cheeks painted with blush.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, removing her jacket away from my grasp. "Are we talking about Hafiz Osman here?" I teased, nudging her.

Anabia planted her face on the desk wearily, "Just kill me, will you?"

"Nah, I can't. That will leave your beloved Hafiz Osman in misery. Do you know how much courage it took that poor man to ask me for your hand? He was too shy to approach you, so he approached your best friend. Ah, such an honour!" I gestured to myself boastfully, "And then to lower down his confidence, Abu Hurairah went all nuts on him." I rolled my eyes, remembering the scene Abu Hurairah had created the other day. 

"When will you shut up, I liked Hawa from high school." Anabia groaned, "Not this one, I bet your husband changed you... or is it Safoora?"

"You could say both." I thought deeply, "Safoora is my sister-in-law after all. Since Huzaifah married Abu Hurairah recently and are having their honeymoon together with their constant bromantic nights, they are not moving out anytime soon. So me and Safoora are forever staying together since our husbands have a strong unpredictable love relationship."

Anabia chuckled, "Wow, that's the craziest thing I ever heard."

"I know."

Suddenly, all fell quiet when the Professor entered and grinned at us before beginning her lecture. The class was now packed with students, their voices immediately hushed down at the sound of the professor's echoing voice. "Hello everyone!" She began, "Today we will-"

"Sorry for the interruption," Huzaifah panted breathlessly, bursting in the lecture hall with his group of friends, making all our eyes land on him. "I really got a confession to make and... it's a big emergency. I just figured out last minutes..." He panicked, biting his lips and looking worried. Why is he telling that to the professor?

"Okay, go on." The Professor urged, patiently. I liked this professor, she showered her utmost concern towards each of us and deeply hated seeing us in misery and since Huzaifah was her best student, he was highly favoured.

"Happy Anniversary dear wife." Huzaifah grinned brightly, staring at me while his friends held a huge banner that read 'Happy Anniversary love'. "Hafiz Osman, what the hell? Hold the banner higher, will you. Don't tell me you got shorter in few second after entering class!" Huzaifah scolded him and Ilyas. Osman looked like he'd rather faint then watch the scene unfold in front him, I bet Huzaifah forced him into this.

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