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Safoora POV:

Days flew by in a blur, and all I wanted were stress-free days, but it was all a dream that I would have to wake up from in the future. Not right now. Right now, I had to put in a lot of effort to become a hafizah, which was my ultimate objective. 

Sister Abida offered us an hour break before our evening courses, which began shortly after three o'clock. Most Hifz students went to the dorms at this point to get some rest before our evening classes that started exactly at four o'clock.

I was in our dorm room with Hawa, who had just returned from school a few minutes earlier. "How's my brother doing?" I sat on my bed, leaned against my bedpost, crunching loudly on my packet of chips. I didn't change out of my abaya and hijab since I'll have to go to class anyway in an hour. So what's the point?

"I don't know, a good guy probably." She answered plainly, not looking up from her tablet. 

"I meant romance-wise," I smirked, rolling my eyes. "Want some chips?"

"Eww, shut up!" She made a disgusted face, throwing a pillow at my face. "No thanks, stop teasing me. I'm gonna do the same when you get married, just watch!" She glared, frowning.

"As if mom and dad can force me into a marriage." I snickered. No one could force me, it was against the laws of Islam. 

"They have their own tricks up their sleeves, you know. Their ideas are way clever, especially your moms." She pointed out with a serious glare but was instantly disturbed by the buzzing of her phone. "Huzaifah's calling." She notified, throwing a questioning glance at me.

"Pick it up then, actually put it in speaker," I smirked eagerly to hear what my brother wanted to say. Was he gonna say 'I love thee to my heart's breath' imitating Shakespeare or throw some cheesy line here and there?

"Sure, but just a heads up, it's nothing interesting!" Hawa read my mind, picking up his call. "Hello assalamu alaikum," She said softly.

"Walaikum assalaikum. I was wondering... maybe it's not safe for us to work out that late?" Huzaifah said uneasily which sounded more like a question than a statement. "Mom and dad will kill me if they knew."

"But if we don't, we'll be way behind for our project." Hawa panicked, biting her lips.

"Sorry Eve, there's no other option." He sighed, "Hawa crap, what do we do? I just realized that our project is due tomorrow in the morning."  So her nickname was Eve, I swear this guy probably has a nickname for everyone.

"Hey stupid, there's always an option," I said for the first time, smirking.

"Saff is there in the room with you?" Huzaifah asked, surprised. "You're in speaker?"

"Oh hell no!" Hawa scowled, studying my expressions. "She has come with her mischievous plans. Please don't use it on us!" 

"Saff just so know, I'm blocking my ears," Huzaifah said. 

"I can't so you, so I'll say it anyway. You can come work in our dorm room. I'm not stupid, I can see you're just pretty worried for Hawa. You love her, huhhh?"I teased, "You--not mom and dad-- just don't want her to be out late in the night, right?"

"Hey, how'd you know?" He whined.

"We can read each other like an open book." I smiled.

"True, so what's your idea?" He lightly laughed.

"Didn't dad give you his flying hoverboard?" I asked, "You can fly in through our window and work in here."

"Are you insane?" Hawa and Huzaifah shrieked.

His Hafizah and her Hafizحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن