A new sister?

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Safoora POV:

The chirping of the birds awoke me, and I opened my eyes finding myself in my cozy pink room. The sun light spilled in through the open window slits making a pool on the dark tiles. '

My room was vast. My white bed sat beside my floor length window with it's pink floral beadspread on. My window was also drapped with pink curtain with pink cushions decorated on the window seat. My white wardrobe with a floor length mirror was secured right in front of my bed, and between the space of the bed and the bedroom door a huge pink, fluffy carpet sat to glam the place up. Behind my bedroom door it was hijacked with my coats and abaya, and right beside it all was my white desk splattered with a bunch of book, my Quran, and devices. A utter mess!

 I missed my room so much, the smell, the childishness, everything. I admit, t was a bit girlish because of all the pink splattered here and there, but it was what brought in memories. A place I would alway call home.

"Rise and shine Saff!" Huzaifah hollered, peeking in the room with a shining smile. 

"You are already awake?" I asked in disbelief, rubbing the drowsy sleep off my eyes.

"Duh, I wake up at fajr, then read my dour, and then try to go for a run or something. Sleeping after Fajr prayer isn't really my thing." Huzaifah said, coming in and sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Kids, come for breakfast!" Mom hollered from downstairs. 

"Yeah, we're coming." Huzaifah cried back. 

Everything from last night flooded back to me, I was going to be an older sister and I wasn't really ready for that. I didn't want to share my bedroom, I didn't want my parents to love someone more than me. Maybe I was wrong and others were right, having a little sister maybe causes a lot of sufferance and irritation. When I come to think of it, I would have to share my things, my room and basically every part of my life with her. Such a headache!

What was wrong with my parents? Weren't they satisfied with just me and Huzaifah? 

"What's wrong?" Huzaifah asked softly, coming closer and placing his hand on mines. "You've been quiet for a very long time."

"I am not ready for this." 

"What are you not ready for." He asked me smugly, cocking his eyebrow. "If it's marriage, I promise I'll kick the guys butt. No sister of mine is leaving anytime soo--" 

"Shut up bro. This is not some joke." I shoved him playfully with a groan.

"Ok ay, so what are you not ready for at this age?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"A sister."

"Oh please. If I can deal with you, how hard will a baby be? Plus she'll be around thirteen years younger than you. By the time she grows up, we'll both be married. Don't you think?" Huzaifah grinned, giving me a playful nudge wiggling his eyebrow. "Saff with be all glammed up and whisked away in her white carriage and horses maded out of mice--"

"Ah shut up, I told you I am not marrying." I snapped, clenching my fist. "Even if mom and dad says I am betrothed to some guys, I still am not marrying. That guy will just end up having some of my punches or karate moves in his guts. There, and then he'd be dead. But, I'd tell him I warned him so."

"Eh, I feel so sorry for him." Huzaifah cringed, pretending to be in the person in pain already. "That's just so mean of you. Poor guy has to go through all of that." He shook his head in disapproval with a sorrowful sigh.

"I am serious here and you're fooling around again."  I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest. I totally forgot how annoying Huzaifah could be. It felt different every time I came back home from school, I needed time to adjust to everything. 

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