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Safoora POV:

The sunlight seeped in through the car windows creating a serene atmosphere combined with  Surah Hujurat blaring loudly in the background. I hummed along with the Qari, drumming my fingers on the window seal and looking blankly away in space. Each verses flashed across my mind while I followed along, imagining the Quran in front of me. 

My morning was hectic as the usual, I had managed to shove on any random abaya and hijab behind my door and my blue hoodie that I wore literally everywhere and scrambled down to the car in one piece without having my breakfast.

 I was really tired, last night was full of tossing and turnings because Hawa stole all my pillows for god knows what reason and in the morning when I opened my door to dash out the room, I ended up tripping on my pile pillows with the note 'Hurairah was here to deliver your pillow ;P'. The guy probably did not have the guts to knock on my door so he just dumped my pillows outside my room giving me one heck of a night. But I was glad he didn't because he would have accidentally seen me without my hijab. 

"Saff, if you woke up on time, you could've left with Father of Cats." Huzaifah lectured angrily, turning the Quran off. "He left way earlier in the morning because he is always on time for everything. Can you like try being like him?"

"Nope, I don't want to go with him nor do I want to be like him." I mumbled stubbornly, "I'm fine like this."

"Of course you are... but me and Hawa are always late for our class because of you." He yelled. 

"Look bro, I don't know how to put this... but me plus Abu Hurairah in the same car equals one of us dead at the end of the ride." I explained like it was some kind of equation that he would figure out since he was a science guy.

"Fine, just get off!" Huzaifah ordered lazily, as soon as the car came to an halt in front of my school.

"Yeah okay, Assalamu alaikum." I huffed angrily, getting out of the car and slamming the door.

"Safoora wait," Hawa laughed, "You say you hate Hurairah but what's that saying on your hoodie?"

"Yeah Saff, if you love him that much, just tell him.  You don't need to go on a protest or go crazy lovesick about him by writing down on your clothes. That's insane!" Huzaifah chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked them cluelessly. Huzaifah and Hawa both pointed  at my hoodie and I looked down horrified, the words I never wanted to see or hear were etched onto my hoodie in bolded letters.  With a kissy emoji and black painted letters it said 'Safoora loooves Hurairah' and in the bottom of it inscribed, 'I confess that he is the best guy in the universe😘". I can't even believe he did this and I had to wear it without even realising. At least, I didn't walk in class with it!

Giving a loud scream, I tore my hoodie off myself furiously. "Who did that?" I pointed at each of them threateningly.

"Not me," All of them chorused.

"Qulsum?" I asked sternly, glaring at my sister who looked completely baffled. 

"She's three and illiterate, you dummy." Huzaifah scolded giving me a bored look.

"You?" I pointed at him threateningly.

"Not me," Huzaifah said defensively, "Although I saw Father of Cats with smirk when he came across your hoodie in the laundry room a few days ago."

"Yeah," Hawa nodded thoughtfully, "Hurairah even asked if he could use my fabric paints."

"He is so dead, I have to rip this piece of garment into shreds when I get home." I cried terrified. It was my favourite hoodie that I liked wearing all the time. It had been with me all throughout my life ever since hifz, undergoing all the ups and downs with me. Even though it was old, it was something very precious and Abu Hurairah had to ruin it.

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