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Hawa POV:

I was at home changed in my comfortable clothes, wearing a long dress with leggings and a scarf loosely wrapped around my head. My mom also matched my outfit looking like an exact older replica.

Mom had prepared a variety of dinner and kept them deliciously arranged on the table in the living room, the mouthwatering aroma trailed around the room filling our nostrils. The living room was neatly arranged and perfected for the prayer for tonight, blue floral bedsreads covered the carpets and a few pillows alligned the walls in a orderly manner.

Abu Hurairah came in the room carelessly throwing his cap high in the air and extending his hands to catch it. Dude, thinks his too mature!

He instantly looked up guiltily finding me sitting in the room with a smirk. "Oh, didn't think anyone would be here." He muttered, his cheeks going red in embarassment.

I rolled my eyes, he always desired to look mature in others presence but in the inside he was still a kid. "You're just a kid. Do whatever you want, this is home."

"I am not a kid, I am fourteen." He corrected stubbornly with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Abu Hurairah, where's your thobe? Your leading the salah, you can't just wear that... whatever your wearing." Mom said, eyeing his shirt and pants with disapproval. As a huffaaz and imam of the prayer, mom and dad expected sunnah. You know what they say, sunnah is everything. You get unimaginable reward as well. 

"Fine mom, I'm changing." He groaned, sluggishly trudging back upstairs.

Dad entered in the room wearing a thobe and turban giving Abu Hurairah a weird look before slumping down on the sofa opposite to me. "So Hawa, hows your quran going? Did you forget anything?" 

"Nope." I smiled confidently. 

"K, I'll challenge you! Tell you what, I'll test you from anywhere from the Quran, you gotta start from there." He smiled devillishly. "Okay?"

"Challenge  accepted!" I nodded, crossing my arms confidently and returning back his evil look.

"Ok... start from umm ... Allahu Nurus samawat." 

"Yusuf that's 18th chapter, that's so easily. She knows it." Mom smiled brightly, shaking her head.

"We're just getting started." Dad grinned mischeviously, rubbing his hands together. 

I minutes I recited with focus as my dad listened to my melodic voice closing his eyes and nodding to each of the words I uttered. When I was done dad looked at me, "Okay,  start Surah Saffat now!"

"About that..." I looked at him guilty, rubbing my nape. That surah wasn't exactly my best in memory. Twenty third was a tricky chapter, but I wouldn't say I forgot it. I knew it, but... some of the words were challenging due to the endings of the verses that rhymed a little too much making things jittery in my mind.

"Yeah continue dear." Dad looked at me challengingly, "Are you saying my best hafizah daughter doesn't know her quran?" He cocked his eyebrow.

"No... I know it. I'll began." I muttered uneasily. I began reading from my heart, stuttering at time, but I wouldn't say it was all perfect because mom and dad both stopped their work to correct me from time to time. 

Abu Hurairah suddenly walked in looking glum, now changed in his thobe and turban. This time he threw his turban high in the air again and extended his arms to catch it. "Oh, you guys .... are still here?" 

"Son, your sister is having some difficulties in Surah Saffat. I am hoping you know this surah better than her?" Dad asked him. 

"Not a problem, that's easy." Abu Hurairah looked at me wierdly and abruptly accepted the challenge. He began reciting and surprisingly he had no mistakes, his tone wavered melodiously and his fluency outsmarted my expectation. The verses were at the tip of his tongue tumbling down easily without pressure. 

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