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Hawa POV:

It was another tranquil night, me and Safoora both managed to spend time with our moms in the living room. Safoora had managed to squeeze herself between the blabbering mothers of ours listening to their conversations mindlessly while I on the other hand was challenging myself to do two chapters of the Quran per day. I had managed to read a chapter in the morning to mom and now I was practicing for the second chapter with the Quran laying open across my arms.

"Safoora, done your homework? You look like you have nothing to do." Aunt Sarah scolded.

"Yup done, everything."

"Is Hurairah done?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Safoora groaned, throwing her head back.

"You're married to him?" Aunt Sarah confirmed, making it sound more like a question.

"That doesn't mean I look after him like he's some baby who doesn't know how to change his diapers." Safoora scowled.

"At least go see if he needs any help." Aunt Sarah ordered. She was trying her best to get them together but each time she was luckless.

"Nope, he already has high marks. He doesn't need any help!"

"Hey Hawa, want me to test you?" Huzaifah popped out of nowhere, startling me with a peck of kiss on my cheeks.

"Sure," I mumbled, holding my Quran out to him. He nodded and sat on the sofa next to me and began listening to my recitation with complete concentration while biting on the string of his hood. 

When I was finally done after half an hour, he grinned and handed my Quran back to me. "Mashallah, you did great!"

Abu Hurairah came in the room unconciously, his eyes glued to his Quran that he was gripping onto tightly. He walked cluelessly towards us, only to trip and stumble on an empty sofa. "Hey, who put the sofa here?" He barked, breaking eye contact with his Quran for the first time and rubbing his suffered leg.  It was night, mom had made sure that all of us read our dour to each other specifically early in the morning and in the night, the two vital points in our day. I bet Abu Hurairah was preparing his dour right now!

"It was always there." Aunt Sarah said looking at him weirdly.

"That is why you don't walk around while reading things." I mumbled.

"Noted." He muttered sarcastically.

"Hey mom... I was wondering," Huzaifah pondered, taking a deep breath and looking straight at Aunt Sarah. "Who is Umme Q betrothed to?"

All of our eyes shot towards Aunt Sarah instantly, waiting for her to utter her next word. "Yes, who's her betrothed?" We all chorused eagerly.

"Or is she even betrothed?" I asked suspiciously, raising my eyebrow.

Aunt Sarah looked at us and smiled geniunely, "I was about thinking about Nuh... he looks like a great boy-"

"Nuh?" Both Safoora and Huzaifah chorused, their eyes and mouth widened with shock.

"Who's Nuh?" Me and Abu Hurairah asked together looking at each other baffled. Who were they even talking about?

"Adam's baby brother, he's five or six right now." Aunt Sarah contemplated, rubbing her chin. "I was thinking to talk to his mother about them but... I am not sure yet."

"Eww, Adam is going to be my future-brother-in-law?" Safoora looked disgusted, "Please mom, that's a very bad idea." 

"I second that." Abu Hurairah agreed looking at Safoora. "I can't let Qulsum deal with Adam, she's like my baby sister."

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