31 - A Tragic Accident

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"Grandpa! When are we going to reach? ",I asked him, eating my chips.

"It will take four to five hours to reach as it's raining heavily ", Grandpa explained.

"Don't drive fast Stan. It's raining heavily with thunder and lightning. We should have stayed back for a few days ",Grandma said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry Shana. We will reach home soon ",Grandpa comforted her.

It poured heavily. The roads were slippery. Unknown to the danger, I slept peacefully on my Grandma's lap.

"Stan! What happened? ",I heard Grandma's voice.

"There is a problem. I think we are caught in the middle of a storm", Grandpa stuttered.

I rubbed my eyes and tried to get up to see what's happening but Grandma pressed me to her lap, "Just sleep baby. We will go home soon. "

"Okay Grandma ",I obeyed, lying on her lap, closing my eyes.

I felt Grandma kissing my head and caressing me.

Then there was a huge roar making me so scared. I yelped but Grandma hugged me tight soothing me.

"What happened Grandma? ",I asked her, frightened.

"Nothing baby. Don't worry. I will surely save you ",she whispered. But I could feel the negative vibes and fear around me. What's happening?

"I love you Stanley", I heard Grandpa saying to Grandpa.

"I love you Shana", Grandpa said to Grandma. Why are they confessing their love now? "Hold Akansha tight ",I heard Grandpa say.

Then a bright, gleaming light shone at the dark, petrifying night making the vehicle collapse suddenly. It was followed by a huge uproar.

I felt like I was flying in the air. And then I heard a gigantic sound of a vehicle crashing on something.

I heard screaming sounds all around me. I felt horrified. My whole body was in pain. I couldn't move a limb. I was terrified very much.

"Grandma.... grandpa ",I called them. But there was no response.

'When you feel like you are in danger, what should you do? You should shout for help. And the angel will come to help you' ,Mom's words came to my mind.

"Help! Help ",I shouted but I could only hear the heavy droplets of water pouring down.

"Help! Please help ",I wailed helplessly. But no angel came. I was all... alone.

"Grandpa.... Grandma ",I called them again but no response.

I stretched my hand to feel Grandma or Grandpa. I felt something solid. At that time, lightning flashed, making me see the surroundings. I was horror-struck. An hysterical shout escaped my lips.

"Grandma.... Grandpa ",I shouted hysterically.The thing I touched was Grandma's hand. The place was covered with blood. Both Grandpa and Grandma looked lifeless.

"Help!! Someone please help!! ",I shouted frantically. But no one came.

"Help! Help! ",I sobbed in a feeble voice. My head started to spin!! The pain was unbearable!! I couldn't breathe anymore. I touched my neck to try to breathe. But nothing could stop me from not breathing.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH ",I bawled in pain.


"Akansha!! Akansha!! Breath!! Breath Dammit!! You are safe! Look at me. Open your eyes. I am here with you ",I heard Parth's voice.

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