The crow that became a cat!-Part 3

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Plot:Nekoma has a match with Karasuno.Shoyo sees his old teammates again.

The next day Shoyo woke up he was fine but when they went to school and Couch Nekomata reminded them that they are going to have a match with Karasuno.Shoyo then got scared and hugged Kenma for dear life.

"Shoyo it will be fine please get off me"Kenma said to his boyfriend who is still hugging him for dear life."I'm going to stay with you the whole time Kenma,they might hurt me when they see me"Shoyo said looking at Kenma."It will be fine Shoyo"Kenma said."If you say so"Shoyo said still scared.

Some time passed and the Karasuno team already came.Shoyo being short he just went to hide behind Kenma for they can't see him when they got off the bus but they did see him.

"What is the dumbass doing here"Kageyama said to the others.Eveyone looked where Kageyama was looking at."Is this why he is not at school he comes here"Daichi said."I can't believe him"Suga said.They all waited until Shoyo was alone.When Shoyo was alone they started walking toward him."Hey Hinata!" Daichi said."Huh?Um"Shoyo said.Shoyo was about slowly moving away but then he bump into someone behind him."Tsukishima?"he said when he saw who was behind him."Why did you come to this school you know you have school in Miyagi"he said."Oh um"Shoyo did not know what to say since he transferred to Nekoma and they might hurt him.

Kenma came in and pulled Shoyo too him." Leave him alone,you guys already hurt him enough"Kenma said."Kenma"Shoyo whispered."Oh look it's the boyfriend" Kageyama said."What are you going to do about it"Tsukishima said.Kenma walked away pulling Shoyo with him.

Kenma couldn't take it his boyfriend was getting bullied so he told Kuroo about it and Kuroo told Couch Nekomata.Couch Nekomata talked to the couch of Karasuno and they cancelled the match since the Karasuno team might try to hurt Shoyo.

The Karasuno team went home disappointed about the match but the Nekoma team did not care they just wanted there new teammate to be okay.

"Guys you did not have to cancel the match because me"Shoyo said."We know we didn't have to we wanted to Shoyo"Kenma said." Huh?But Why?"Shoyo said confused."Shoyo you are no longer a crow you are a cat now and we look out for each other"Kenma said."Yeah" Everyone said."Thanks guys"Shoyo said.

"I'm happy I moved schools if I didn't I wouldn't have this great new friends"Shoyo thought.

This will be the last part of "The crow that became a cat".

I hope you enjoyed it.

𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 ♡'・ᴗ・'♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz