Falling in love with a criminal❤️🔪🔫-Part 2

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Okay I'm so Sorry that the first one was so short I just did not know what to write.

Shoyo is in his house thinking about what Kenma said.Was Kenma seriously just going to give him money.Shoyo liked Kenma the first time they met but never told him what he does.Shoyo was still on his bed thinking until he got a call.He checked who it was and it was Kenma.

On call
Kenma:Hey Shoyo
Shoyo:Oh Hey Kenma
Kenma:I was thinking if you would like to go out with me,like a date?
Shoyo:Oh Sure
Kenma:Okay,Do you want me to go and pick you up or do you want to come to Tokyo
Shoyo:I can go to Tokyo
Kenma:Okay then ill wait for you at traín station
Shoyo:Okay Ill be on my way
Finish call

Shoyo got up from his bed and got ready for his date with Kenma.He left his house and went straight to the traín station.When he got to the traín station he went and sat down on the bench  waiting for the traín.The traín finally came and he got up and bourded the traín.While on the traín Shoyo was just using his phone.When he got to his stop he got off the traín and looked around to find Kenma.When he finally saw Kenma he ran to him and hugged him."Hey Kenma!Shoyo said,"Hey Shoyo"Kenma said."Aré you ready to go"Kenma said."Yeah"Shoyo said really excited.They went to a café that is kinda close to Kenma's house.They walked in and went to cashier to get something to eat.Kenma got a coffee and Shoyo got a meatbun and and some milk.They talked and just hang out together for the whole day.Shoyo stayed the night at Kenma's

Okay I know that's a terrible ending but It's all I had if I have any ideas I'm going to edit it but for know I'm leaving it like this.I know it does not match with Part one but I tríed and remember Please give me feedback of how to make this stories better just don't be rude.


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