Pocky game!

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Plot:The Nekoma and Karasuno team play Truth or Daré and Kuroo dares Kenma to do the pocky game with Shoyo.


Nekoma and Karasuno had just finished a match with Nekoma winning every round they played.Shoyo kept asking for moré rounds but every one was already tired."Hinata I think we should rest we will have another practise match tomorrow"Suga said still tired. "Okay" Hinata pouted.

Everyone was resting until Kuroo got I idea he went over to Kenma and told him."Hey Kenma we should play truth or dare with the Karasuno team."Kuroo said."No Kuroo" Kenma said."Come on"Kuroo said."No"Kenma said looking at his game.Kuroo got up and yelled "who wants to play Truth or dare raise your hand"Kuroo said.Lev,Inouka, Yaku,Yamamoto,Yamagushi,Suga,Daishi,Noya,Tanaka,Shoyo raised there hands. "okay everyone who's playing get in a circle"Kuroo said.All the people who raised there hand went to sit down in a circle.

Yamagushi stand up from the circle and grabbed Tsukishima by the hand "Come on Tsuki ,play with us"Yamagushi said. "No Yamagushi"."Please Tsuki"Yamagushi said. "Ugh Fine"Tsukishima said.They went back to the other and sat down in a circle.Everyone else who was not playing left but Kenma did not leave."I guess I would play"Kenma said."Really?,What changed your mind"Kuroo said looking at Kenma.Kuroo saw that Kenma's was staring at someone so he followed his eyes gaze to see what he was staring at and it was Shoyo.Kuroo smirked at Kenma and whispered to him "You like chibi-chan"."What no"Kenma said."Sure,you were staring at him"Kuroo said."No I wasn't"Kenma said."Whatever you say"Kuroo already knew what dare he will give Kenma or Shoyo if they choose it."Okay let's get started playing the game,Who wants to go first"Kuroo said.Nobody said anything "I guess I'll go first then"Kuroo said.

"Truth or dare Lev"Kuroo said."Um....Dare"Lev said smiling thinking he won't get something bad."Kiss Yaku"Kuroo said."What!"Yaku yelled."Oh no I'm not okay with this"Yaku said."It's a dare he has to"Kuroo said.Lev got up and pecked Yakus lips then walked away back to his spot."I guess it's my turn"Lev said."Yeah"Kuroo said."Um, Hinata truth or dare"Lev said."Truth"Hinata said."Is Kenma your best friend"Lev said."Yes!"Hinata said."Suga truth or dare"Hinata said."Dare"Suga said."Kiss Daichi"Hinata said.Suga leaned in and kissed Daichi."Okay,Kuroo truth or dare"Suga said."Dare"Kuroo said."I'm not scared"Kuroo said."Okay,I dare you to not talk to Tsukishima for this whole day"Suga said."What!Why!"Kuroo said."It's a dare and you have to do it"Suga said."Fine"Kuroo said."Kenma truth or dare"Kuroo said."Dare" Kenma said."I dare you to do the pocky game with chibi-chan"Kuroo said while taking out a pocky box out his bag."How do you even play that"Kenma said."You get one end of the pocky and Hinata gets the other,however eats more of the pocky wins,but if you both end up in the middle it's a tie"Kuroo explained."Um,okay"Kenma said.

Kenma got the Pocky out of Kuroo's hands and went to Shoyo.He took one pocky stick out and said "Do you want the chocolate side first Shoyo?"."Sure Kenma"Shoyo said.Kenma put the chocolate side infront Shoyo face and Shoyo put his mouth on it. Kenma put his mouth on the other side and they started eating the pocky.'Were getting to close'Kenma thought.Shoyo could'nt take it anymore since they were about to kiss so he took his mouth off the pocky stick."I guess I win"Kenma said."Yeah,do you want to do it one moré time"Shoyo said."Sure"Kenma said.Shoyo got another pocky stick and put the chocolate side to Kenma this time.Kenma and Shoyo put there mouth on it and started.Shoyo's eyes aré clases since he does not want to see how close he is getting to Kenma.Both of them thought the other was going to pull away but no there lips met in the middle.They kissed for 5 minutes and then broke the kiss."S-Sorry Kenma"Shoyo said."I-It's fine Shoyo"Kenma said.Kenma went back to his spot and they continúed the game like nothings happened.

Kenma went back to his spot and they continúed the game like nothings happened

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