"Girls night?"

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(A/N Okay I'm a dumb bitch and forgot to put dates in the chapters but lets just somehow imagine it's this date because I want it to be. leave me alone.)

29th November 2019 (Sunday)

After we finished filming Adam had to head home and i had homework to do. "whatcha up to?" I looked up to see Jj sitting at the end of my bed "Well i was supposed to be doing homework but this has been bugging me so i'm doing this just now," I said continuing on my laptop "what is it?" I hesitated but said it anyway "Christmas presents, what i'm getting for what? 9 of you? and where i'm finding money for it. I saw that the small corner shop like 15 minutes away had an advert on their facebook for an after school til 8 o'clock job spot open. i need to talk to josh about it though," He looked at me and laughed "You don't need to get a job, 1. Ask any of the boys or me for money for gifts. Actually you don't even need to get us anything 2. You will hate working in a corner shop from like half 3 until 8...trust me," I nodded and thought about it "I wanna give it a go though," he shook his head "you're fifteen, can't work yet" i shook my head in retaliation "i can, for cash in hand. Adam has a weekend job sometimes"

"No, i've said no and that's the end of it." He sternly said standing up, walking out and slamming my door. I jumped and let out a small gasp "I-" i felt as though i was about to crumble then and there. I've been very emotional this past few days and i had like stomach pains the othe- fuck. I bet i'll get my period, right? (A/N for me irl i not ever had so much as a spot, ew 😌✌️ don't bully me) I sigh and throw, not like hardly, my laptop to the side. "FUCK SAKE!" I shout into a pillow that i had pulled over my face.


Sofa lofa

auntie T❤️
you good girlie?

unknown number
is it girl problems or boy problems?
Oh shit you don't know me 🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm Gee

Unknown changed to Gee❤️

Sofa lofa
girl problems
code red shall we say?

Momma bear 🐻
You need pads or tamps?

Sofa Lofa
No, just a girls night?
if that's not too much

NOO of course not hunny!!
let's do it

Auntie T
Freyas apartment @ 6:30

Momma bear 🐻
wait is that why you shouted soph?

sofa lofa

Auntie T❤️
ah ok, well come down soon and we will be on our way

momma bear 🐻
i'm leaving now to clean my apartment
didn't know i was having guests!

I laugh at Freyas last text adn head downstairs to say bye to her "Bye bunny, bring your school stuff and i'll take you in the morning," she kissed my head and i hugged her with a nod. "bye" she shouts to everyone and they reply. "We still got like 3 hours or something until we have to go, come sit" she said motioning for me to come into the living room. Everyone was talking amongst themselves while i was zoned out thinking again.

"Soph if you're thinking about that stuff again just leave it" Jj said pulling me out of my thoughts "Huh?" I asked confused "You were zoned out for a solid 5 minutes in your own headspace," Simon giggles "Oh, nah i was thinking about how i get my music out to the world and about christ-" I stopped myself when he gave me the 'i told you' look. I mumbled a sorry and pulled out my phone.

'Okay so i can get this for freya and talia and gee. What can i get for the guys? I don't have a clue' the thoughts race through my head but i instead went upstairs and grabbed my clothes for school and shoved them in a bag. "Soph! are you ready to go?" I heard Talia shout form downstairs "why?" I grab my bag and shoes to go downstairs "we're going for food," I mentally roll my eyes and pull on my shoes and hoodie. "bye!" the boys shout from the living room or their rooms "bye" i mumble walking out the door.


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