"I am now a YouTuber, I guess."

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Well shit, I'm back "home". Sitting all alone, crying in my room. "Sophie you'll need to come out soon," I hear josh say pleadingly outside my door, reluctantly I get up and open the door. "I want to talk to JJ, he gets me." Which is partially true, I'm just closest with JJ. Josh smiles and says "He's in his room." I nod and walk to JJ's room, I knock (just in case) and then I hear, "Come in!" I open the door to see him filming while playing a game, with the others I assume. "Come hither chid." He said chuckling "Bit noncey don't you think, jide?" I snigger and go over to him. "Hello camera," I hug him and he pulls me onto his knee so he can keep playing whatever it was. "What's up anyway?" He asks making sure to mute himself. "I feel like you all hate me because I don't eat, like I know I need to but at the moment it feels impossible to eat." I let the tears fall onto his shoulder.

He hugs my waist tighter, "I know it feels impossible right now, but you can do this. Hell, you've already started! We won't force you to do anything, because we want you to get better too. You can do it" I nodded against his shoulder and then I heard him say. "Josh you suck!" I laughed a bit and said into the mic, "Personally I think Simon's the worst" I hear him shouting from the other room so I run In and buzz his sides. "Where- what the fuck?! Sophie!" I fell to the floor laughing as he stared at me. "Ok, I best be going" I managed to get out between laughs and wiping away my tears.

I walked up to my room holding my stomach from laughing when my mum stopped me "Are you okay?" She held the back of her hand to my forehead and I pushed it away "Laughing mum, I'm okay" her face and body relaxed and she stood back a bit before saying "Talia said she'd stay here while we are gone so that you'll not kill or be killed." I nodded with a quiet "okay" I went into my room and pressed upload, I am now a YouTuber, I guess.

I sat on my bed trying to comprehend what just happened when my phone buzzed from a group chat, I guess I got added to that

🎶We are family🎶

Brosef Jide

I'm bored

Smelly Sophie

When aren't you?

Smelly Sophie


Block boy

Nah you're stuck with it now


I've been this even before we adopted you

Mother changed Smelly Sophie's name to Favourite Child 👑

Favourite Child 👑

Thank you mother, anyway I have something to show you, does the TV have YouTube?

Psy-mon (a/n if you get this ily)

Probably child, why?

Favourite Child 👑

None of your beeswax si, give me a few minutes and be in the living room. Pronto.

Seen by Brosef Jide, Psy-mon, Mother, daddy Zerkaa, Block Boy and 6 others

I went into the living room and managed to figure out how to open youtube when JJ, Josh and Simon walked in. "Go away! I'm still trying to figure this out." They turned around and put their hands over their ears as I typed my channel name 'Sophie Bradley-Nightingale' "Okay sit down but don't look at the TV that goes for all of you" I said to the 7 boys standing there along with mum.

"Okay here goes nothing," I say under my breath, pressing play "open," I say just as the video starts. I didn't even watch the video to see how it was edited, I was hyper-focused on 3 peoples reactions; JJ, Josh and Freya. I didn't even notice that I  was biting my nails until my hand was swatted away by Tobi. "sorry" I muttered and he shook his head as if to say 'it's okay' "You did this all yourself?" Josh asked me, looking a little angry "y-yes" I managed to stutter out without letting tears fall "Without permission?!" He raised his voice now and turned to the boys "Which one of you arseholes gave her a camera?!" I look over to JJ and shake my head, knowing that Josh would probably kick the shit out of him. JJ is big though, he'd probably beat the shit out of him back. "Josh! Stop being a dick and go upstairs." Mum, thank god, mum shouts at him. I flinch pretty bad this time and let a tear fall down. 


Josh turns to go upstairs but when he sees Soph he goes up and tries to hug her "fuck off" She mutters pushing him away "No way to speak to your dad," He says walking out "Don't have a dad mate!" She shouts her voice cracking in the process "Why would you say that?" Josh turns to face her, "Well Josh, I call you 'dad' but to be completely honest I don't feel like you love me as a daughter. I've never had a dad, even when I did, I had 2 people that I lived with and now I have 8 people that I live with. 3 people, including me, knew about this before I posted it. It took me 2 hours to press post. I thought you'd be proud of me, I thought 'Oh maybe Josh will show me he loves me after this' maybe, just maybe I thought someone would say 'I love you' or 'I'm proud of you' to me for the first time in my life, But no, instead you were angry at me. I feel even less loved now. And so, that is the reason I say I don't have a dad. I think it's perfectly reasonable. I hope your trip is lovely because I won't see you until after then and I'm done speaking to you until you fix your act" She says calmly but with power before leaving and going upstairs to her room. "Well fucking done josh, made the kid feel unloved" JJ tuts while going up to her room.

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