"ABCDEFG, it means the conversation is over"

503 10 3

"Morning!" I chirped sitting down in the kitchen, fully dressed, hair done, mascara on, bag packed. "Are you feeling alright?" Simon asked, halfway with a bit of toast in his mouth "It's Friday si, which reminds me did you film for sidemen Sunday?" He shook his head "Very unprepared of us, prob film it while you're at school, which means Kon will pick you up." I nodded and felt my phone buzz. "who's that?" He asked handing me half a slice of toast "Adam, he didn't sleep at all last night and hasn't got more than 2 hours the past week or so. Not gonna lie I'm quite annoyed with him but I think it's insomnia, idk I'm not a doctor" "We need to leave, takes like 45 minutes to get there" Simon stood up grabbing his keys and I grabbed my bag and phone.

"See you after school, what time?" I turned back to the car "I finish at 1 but I'll see you around 1-ish once we drive back and I bug Kon about something most likely" he chuckles "Adios Hermano" he looked confused but I ignored it and went inside (A/N This is for Millie, it means goodbye brother/bro. :) You're welcome). I went inside and went to see my teachers that I had to before cracking on m=and doing my school work to get it over and done with. 

Incoming call 'Konnnnnnn'


"Hey Kon!"

"Hey Soph, I'm outside in a red car."

"I can see that Kon"

"Hurry up!" 

I laugh and hang up as I get in the car. "Can we go to the shop, I want to see Adam." He laughs and starts teasing me for having a crush, what a fucking child. We pull up at a shop and I grab a big bag of fruit pastilles, the goat of British sweets, and squashies, a close second. Either way, they are class. "Here's the address," I say getting back in the car. 

-TiMe SkIp- AdAm'S hOuSe

"Hi there honey, how can I help?" A girl in her early twenties opens the door, that can't be his mum?! "Is Adam okay?" She smiled and opened the door "So you're the lucky Sophie" I nodded and blushed "I guess I am, I know he's not been sleeping great recently so I thought i'd drop by after school" she nodded and put her hand out to shake mine. "I'm Hannah, Adam's sister" "Sophie, but you know that" I mentally facepalmed "His room is up the stairs, second door to the left" I nodded thanking her and headed upstairs "bubba?" I whispered opening the door to reveal adam balled up in blankets in his room with just dim purple LED lights on. "Hi, oh shit sorry" He quickly turned them blue, "Here" I handed him the sweets and sat beside him to hug him. 

"any sleep?" he shook his head "No more than 15 minutes" I sighed "get comfy, can I steal a t-shirt to change into? this shirt isn't very comfy." he nods and points to his closet. I grab a t-shirt and quickly change not really caring if he saw, or what he saw. "Did you meet Hannah?" I slid in the bed beside him and pulled him to my chest. "Yep, she's really sweet. At first, I thought she was your mum because of how nice she was, and when she called me 'the lucky Sophie'. I really am lucky huh?" I kissed his head as he started drifting off. I realised that my talking was aiding his sleep. "You know, the other day before school I was thinking that I'd have no friends. But to be honest I don't think I could get any more friends because they won't be as amazing as you. You've really raised the bar and my expectations." I smiled as my hand ran through his curly hair. "I hope you sleep good bubba."

(A/N I had every fucking chance to use this joke the first time I wrote about the gc but I made a shit name. My brain makes great ideas but at shit times. deadass)


Favourite child 👑

How's life going?


good, where are you? Josh said you didn't come back with Kon

Favourite child 👑

Adam's house. I thought Kon would say something

Bella I-Talia (A/N It's a restaurant, shut up I thought it was fUnNy)


Favourite child 👑

He's not been sleeping properly recently so I came to the rescue. He is currently being a big baby and sleeping on my chest



Favourite child 



Ok so just DA

Favourite child👑

I'm not a District Attorney either

Block boy

Shut up we're trying to film!

Brosef Jide

calm down

Favourite child👑




favourite child👑

A B C D E F G, it's a saying


is it a saying?

favourite child👑

It means the conversation  is over

"Hiya hone- Oh hi Sophie," His mum, I'm assuming, opened the door still in her Nursing scrubs from work. "hi" I whispered waving my hand a little "what's your magic trick?" she asked motioning to the sleeping boy in my arms "Talking, cuddling and playing with his hair" She nodded "I'll try that next time" She closed the door and I kissed his head. "Do you want a drink or something to eat hon?" I shook my head and Hannah came in to sit on the bed. "Sophie, Adam told me you didn't eat anything last night. Did you have anything to eat today?" I nodded "Half a slice of toast" I mumbled looking down to Adam "Please eat bubba," Adam mumbled beside me "I will just go back to sleep" I look up at Hannah and she sighs. "I'll not force you but if you fancy anything let me know, promise?" I nodded and cuddled into Adam. Slowly drifting to sleep.

-A few hours later- 

I've been awake for about 30 minutes just on Instagram and Twitter mainly. I felt Adam start to wake up beneath me, I put my phone down and pushed the hair off of his face. "Hi" I whispered as his eyes fluttered open. "hello gorgeous" He smiled and I blushed. "I have met your mother, while you were asleep" he groaned "Oh lord what did she ask you?" I smiled "What my magic trick was" "And you told her a magical voice and beautiful face?" I hid my face in his neck "Shut up and go put on a shirt, I might have to get LED lights. For once I don't have sore eyes waking up" "that's good" I nodded and pushed him over "Put a shirt on!" I threw a pillow at him and he started tickling me. "S-stop It, S-st-op!" I giggled trying to push him away. "Glad you're awake Adam!" Hannah said standing at the door watching as Adam continued to tickle me. "Hannah! Help me!" I grabbed Adam's shoulder and pushed him away "Nope!" She popped the 'p' and walked away. "gimme a kiss" I kiss his cheek and then his lips. "thank you" i said as he stopped tickling me "Lord above I'm in pain" "Won't be the first time" Adam smirked at me earning a smack across the head. "You're a dirty-minded bastard"

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