CH 44 - Darkest

Depuis le début

It takes a few minutes, Rome points to things before Beam gets it. Nami was right, not detective material at all.

"The traitor is Yut? The suicidal zombie? Are you kidding me?" Beam was so shocked. "Nami is going to slap you so hard..."

"That's if you get a chance to tell anyone." A sweet tone interrupts. "Which you won't."

"Mistress, they..."

Something clicks and the screen turns off. Beam moves Simi, who had hurried to them when the voice-first spoke, and Rome behind him. They watched more vampires appear behind the women dressed in red. Her lipstick matching the crimson shade of her eyes.

"Not afraid?" The Mistress smiled at Beam. "You should be."

"You're not the first woman to kidnap me." Beam answered. "I doubt you will be the last."

"Your family has been protected for so long, I didn't think I would get a chance to use one of you." The woman smiled at Beam before turning to Rome. "What about you interested a Demon Lord, I wonder. Who knew today was my lucky day?"

"P'Beam." Simi pulled on Beams arm. "Duckie says, you should scream."

Beam and Rome looked up to see the duck sitting on a hanging light.

"That girl needs a physiatrist." Beam whispers. "I didn't even hear the thing quack."

"Why scream?"

"Because my dinosaur is coming." Beam took a deep breath, he didn't need his manly pride anymore, he had a boat. He took a deep breath and yelled. "Forrtth!"


Granny POV

Drifting between consciousness, her body floating, her mind dazed. She lay on the hard floor, the surface moving beneath her. When she did manage to open her eyes, she knew she wasn't in her house anymore.


Everything sounded off, far away. She tried to stay awake to listen, this voice sounded familiar.

"Rome..." It was Din. "He won't be happy with this..."

"Forget what he wants, only concentrate on getting him." His mother reassured. "He will do anything you ask for the return of this thing."

"It would be better to keep her alive."

"I would have let her be." Din's mother told her son. "But I'm sick of her smug, interfering face."

Sharp nails dug into her cheeks as her face was turned and pulled closer. The next words drilled inside her mind; the voice strange as it said them.

"You will die for the sins." The words buzzed in her mind. "I let the waters take you."

Only a strange sound left her mouth, the face watching her smiled before throwing her body over a metal railing. She hit the water, the cold taking her breath away. She watched with blurry eyes as the waves carried her further and further away from the shore.

Please let Rome be safe, her last thoughts as she gave into the dark. The ring on her finger burned, a gentle wave catching her as she drifted through the sea. Moving her towards a small speck on the distant horizon.


Boom POV

(Boom - Kong's father. Som - Master Panichiasawad)

"Why won't this thing open?"

"The letter is for Kong..."

My words ignored; my wife carries on trying to open the envelope. She tried to tear, cut, poke and now burn it on the cooker, but nothing worked. Even though I tried to stop her, I hoped she managed and maybe an answer was inside.

"I can read." Mini snapped. "Father said to open it in the darkest hour, it can't get any darker!"

I put my arm around her shoulder, my eyes drifting towards the stairs. It was a parents nightmare, to hear their child was hurt. We came immediately when Poppy called, bringing the letter Kong's grandfather left for him.

Kong and Arthit were still asleep, Som and the Blood Prince watching the boys. I could see people moving outside, they expected trouble.

"Why does this place only have light things?" Mini cursed looking through the kitchen cabinets. She could never standstill when she was worried. "We need something heavy."

Poppy sees the figure first, walking down the stairs. Som calmy answered Mini and Millie's questions they rushed to ask the moment they saw him, but I saw the look that passed between him and Poppy.

"Iron!" Mini shouted, unhappy with the answers. "I remember reading it somewhere, magic things don't like it."

"Uncle has heavy cast iron pans!"

Millie told my wife, these two would cause trouble again. I look to Poppy; she might be able to stop them.

"He also has weapons in his study." Poppy told the others. "Ones that work."

"To uncles' house!"

My wife leads the way, Poppy following without her normal protest. They were getting us out. I turn to Som but he's frowning, as though frozen in place. My feet stop, it was back, the strange chimes I heard before.

"I can't think." Som rubbed his head, standing as still as me. "I wish the chimes would stop."

"You can hear them too?"

We both look at each other, our heads turning together when we see a glow. The letter on the kitchen counter levitates and then returns to its place. We take the few steps to the counter, the name on the front has changed. To mine.

My hand hesitates a second, but pick up the letter and open it easily, only a single sheet emerges. I read the unknown words, frowning when I don't understand. We both look down as symbols begin to appear below out feet, black to begin then turning white. Light bursts beneath our feet, as we disappear.


The apple drops from Godt's hand as he watched from outside of the large windows. He sneaked in here to see what was going on. His father's put their people on alert, P'Himi was yelling at everyone, his anger getting worse when he couldn't reach P'Yut. Now he knew P'Beam was right, he quickly took out his phone to call backup. "Nami! Aliens are real."


Boom and Som appeared in what looked like a cave, moss grew on the walls and leaves moved around the floor with the small draft. They walked forward seeing a glow not far, a large circle carved with symbols on the rock floor.

The runes hummed the moment they set foot on the magic array, a figure appearing in the middle. Both men looked at the face in shock.


"I've been waiting for you." The man smiled. "I'm Rojnapat, Arthit's father."

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