Ch. 9- The End Of the Name Game

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   "Don't listen to them, they're just jealous," Harry said. I wish I could forget what people say, but it's going to stay with me forever I bet. Some things hurt you, and scars don't ever go away. They stay forever.

"Why do they hate me?" I asked. There was silence. They don't know how to answer.

"Um, they're jealous," Liam repeated Harry. I sighed,"Well, I hate jealousy."

"Well, when you know us," Zayn said,"There's a lot of it."


        Three days have gone by in the One Direction household. Not much has really happened. Once, they had a Nerf gun war. Louis forced me to join, and I was the first out, but oh well. These guys, well they're really hyper, like all the time. They have like a ton of energy.

And, well, I'm still afraid of Niall. I don't know why I'm so scared, but every time he speaks, I tremble. He scares me, and I don't know why. I'm almost afraid to know why. Whenever I'm scared, Liam, is there to protect me. He is so nice to me, and I'm starting to get closer to him. I feel like Liam is the one that I want to be near. He's the one that can calm me down when I'm scared, I can trust him.

"HURRY UP, RESULTS ARE IN!" Louis shrieked. His yelling is almost a usual thing. I groaned, and pulled myself out of bed. I curled the ends of my hair and then put on some makeup. I put on a lace tank top and yellow skinny jeans with lace wedges I walked downstairs. Louis was on the verge of exploding.

"RESULTS ARE IN!" He yelled at me. I looked at him confused,"Huh?"

"The name game is done!" Louis yelled. The others came downstairs. When Liam came downstairs, I quickly walked over to his side. He looked down on me, and I smiled.

"Ready to be named?" Liam asked. I nodded. Liam went over to the giant banner that was still on the wall.

"Louis, marker," Liam commanded. Louis threw a sharpie at Liam, and Liam caught it.

"Okay, Louis, pull out the first name," Liam commanded. Louis did so, and handed it to Liam.

Liam read it off,"Darcy."

Liam wrote it on the banner, in big handwriting. Louis handed him a new one.

"Kevin...." Liam said, then looked at Louis,"Do I really have to write this?"

Louis nodded, vigorously. Liam sighed and wrote 'Kevin'.

Next, was Maddi, then Mary, then Addison.

"Louis, next?" Liam asked. Louis handed him another piece of paper.

"Lizbeth," Liam read. Liam got more names he read off, and wrote down: Hallie, Candi, Meredith, Jimmy, Grace, Allison, Taylor, Cassandra, Jasmine, Hannah, and Sofia.

"Okay, that's it!" Liam exclaimed.

"Now, write the name you like the most," Harry said.

"Why don't I just say it?" I asked.

"THEN IT'S NOT AS FUN!" Louis screeched. I sighed, and took the piece of paper. I wrote down the name I wanted, and handed it to Louis. He read it, and grinned. I looked at him, confused.

"Okay, Liam write down who chose which name," Louis commanded. Liam started writing who picked each name on the banner beside the names:



Maddi- Niall

Mary- Louis

Addison- Liam

Lizbeth- Niall

Hallie- Harry

Candi- Harry

Meredith- Zayn


Grace- Liam

Allison- Niall

Taylor- Liam

Cassandra- Zayn

Jasmine- Zayn

Hannah- Liam

Sofia- Zayn

Wow, this is surprising. I never thought that he would choose my name. But, I will admit I loved the name. I just loved the way it sounded.

My new name is Lizbeth, and Niall chose it.

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