Ch. 13- Anorexia

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   "I love you, you know that, right?" Some lady asked.

"That's a lie," I whispered, angrily. I was a child.

"Why would you think that?" She asked, innocently.

"You are so mean to me!" I yelled.

I immediately woke up. I was gasping for breath.

"Hey, it's time for- um, you okay?" Liam asked.

"I just had a nightmare, that's all," I replied, finally catching my breath.

"Was it a nightmare, or a flashback?" Liam asked. I paused for a moment,".... I think it was a flashback."

"Wanna tell me?" Liam asked. I told him the dream. Liam sighed,"It's just so confusing. Nothing seems to make sense."

"Well, I'm gonna get dressed, be down in a minute," I replied. Liam left so I could get dressed. I put on a pair of brown skinny jeans. I put a jumper of my small body. I examined my stomach, which you could see my ribs. I looked horrible. My body looked like if you poked me I'd fall apart. I pulled my shirt back down. I combed out my light brown hair, and threw on some shoes. I didn't want to put on makeup or jewelry. I walked downstairs. The boys (except Louis) were eating breakfast. I sat on the edge of the counter.

"You gonna eat?" Zayn asked me. I shook my head,"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat," Liam argued. I sighed, and grabbed some food.

"HEY DAUGHTER!" Louis yelled, running down the stairs. He ran over to me, and threw his arms around me. I groaned, but Louis ignored my attempts to free myself from his tight grasp. He finally let go of me, and I sat back at my seat.

"You know that I'm not actually your daughter, right?" I asked, a little concerned. Louis sighed,"Yes, I know. BUT I WISH YOU WERE!"

I giggled at Louis's random outburst. We continued eating. I finished, and went back up to my room. I laid on my bed. My stomach began to hurt. I clutched my stomach, hoping for the pain to subside. Suddenly, I could feel my small breakfast coming back up. I ran to the bathroom, and threw up in the toilet. I washed out the bad taste in my mouth, and laid back on my bed. I assumed it was just some stomach virus, so I laid back on my bed. I tried to take a nap. But, I woke up again, and puked in the toilet. I felt the pain becoming horrid. I laid on the cool bathroom tiles, hoping to ease the pain. Nothing, I laid there, unsure if I should move.

"Lizbeth? You in here?" I heard an Irish accent, I knew who that was. I didn't reply. I heard footsteps, and a gasp.

"Oh my God," He whispered. I felt him pick me up, and quickly laid me onto my bed.

"What happened?" Niall frantically asked. I didn't reply. I didn't want to speak to him, I wanted to talk to Liam.

"... Liam...." I mumbled. I could see Niall's face grow sad at the fact that I didn't want him to help me. But, he rushed out of the room, and brought back Liam.

"What happened?" Liam asked, concerned.

"I found her on the floor of the bathroom, like she was in pain," Niall answered for me.

"Call the doctor, and ask what to do," Liam commanded. Niall nodded, and left.

"Don't worry, love," Liam whispered,"You'll be fine."

I closed my eyes, just wanting the pain to subside, hoping it would, if I slept. I eventually fell asleep, and I think the pain was starting to go away.

I woke up later, and Liam was still there, I smiled when I saw his face.

"Why are you so happy?" Liam joked.

"Because, you're still here," I replied.

"I wouldn't leave you when you're suffering," Liam answered,"But, I should tell you why you're sick. You are anorexic, you know that, but we didn't realize that you should be trying to eat so much food. We were forcing you to eat a lot, but your body isn't used to it. I'm sorry."

"That's fine, Liam," I replied,"I just need to control my portions."

Liam hugged me, as an apology. When we parted, I decided that I should tell Liam.

"Liam..." I began, he looked up at me, so I continued,"I should show you how skinny I am."

"Okay, go ahead," Liam answered. I lifted up my shirt halfway, to expose my very thin stomach. You could easily see my ribs. Liam gasped, so I quickly covered my skin again.

"I didn't realize you were that skinny!" Liam exclaimed. I looked at the ground,"Do you really think that I purposely didn't eat to make myself like this?"

"Well, some girls do..." Liam answered. I laid back on my pillow. Why was everything so hard to comprehend?

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