Ch. 33- Past Part 2

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     “Please don’t make me go!” I begged. Mom glared at me, “You will go there, got it?”

“He rapes me!” I argued.

“So?” Mom challenged, “I don’t care. He has what I want, and you’re going to get it!
“Please don’t make me!” I begged.

“GET THE HELL OUT!” Mom screamed at me. I quickly ran out the door. I was now seventeen years old. Mom had been making me get drugs and alcohol, from Hunter, once a week for four years now. It is absolute torture.

I walked down the road, towards the alley. I have run away before, but Hunter always catches me, and bring me back to Mom and Dad. When I get back, Mom and Dad scream at me, then beat me. I either get beat and raped, or just beat. It’s absolutely horrible. I felt my heart starting to beat faster, as I became closer to the alleyway. I took a deep breath, trying to control my shaking body. I can do this. Just get in there, and get it over with. I walked up to the silent alley. There, leaning against the wall with his hood up, was Hunter. He saw me, and a smirk formed on his lips. He pushed his hood off of his head, exposing his messy blond hair and piercing blue eyes. They stared down at me, making sweat appear on the palms of my hand. I tried to take a step back, but Hunter was already beside me, and had a tight grip on my arm. I tried to pull away, but he would only grip harder.

“Ready?” He whispered. His deep voice vibrated inside my head. I felt tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, “P-Please don’t do this!” I begged, my voice turning into a whisper. He walked behind me, a tight grip still on my arm. He leaned close to my ear, “Let’s begin….” His voice trailed off at the end. He wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands on the top of my waistband on my pants. I tried to push him away, but he wasn’t going to give up that easy. He shoved me against the wall, causing me to cry out in pain. He pressed his hands against the wall, on either side of my head, trapping me between his arms. A sneer played on the corner of his lips, “Being feisty now, are you?”

I have to get away! I lifted my knee up in one swift movement, I had kneed him in the crotch. He fell to the ground, moaning in pain. I can get away! I ran out of the alley. Once I reached the exit, I glanced behind me to see Hunter starting to get up. I gasped, and began sprinting down the street. I was running as fast as my legs would carry me. I would glance back every few seconds to see Hunter coming closer. My body was shaking as I ran. I felt a hand grab my arm. I froze in mid step. I turned around to see Hunter glaring at me, “You’re going home.” He growled at me. He dragged me back through the alleyway. He had a death grip on my arm, as he dragged me towards my house. We reached the door, and Hunter pounded on the door. Within a few seconds, Mom answered the door. She saw Hunter, and I could see the fire starting up in her eyes, “What the hell are you doing at my house?” She asked angrily, putting emphasis on the ‘my’.

“This little bitch of yours tried to run away,” Hunter answered, a cold tone to his voice, “So, no, you don’t get anything.”

Mom’s glare turned from Hunter to me, “Why did you run away?” She asked. Her eyes looked like a storm was brewing, and I was going to be caught in the midst of it. She was about to blow, and I don’t know what she’ll do to me. She grabbed my arm pulling me inside, and slammed the door on Hunter’s face. She dragged me inside, and slammed me against the wall. I cried out in pain.

“Why did you run away?” Mom angrily repeated.

“H-He was going to rape me!” I protested.

“So?” Mom challenged, “Does that mean you can’t get my drugs? I need those! All you had to do was go through that, and then get that! Who knows when I’ll get my alcohol and drugs again?!”

“H-He beats me and then rapes me afterwords!” I argued, “I-I can’t take it!”

I saw a smirk play on the corners of her lips, “Oh, so you think that was bad? Well, what you’re suffering through next will be even more horrible! Prepare for true torture.” She grabbed my arm, and yanked me in the direction of the basement. Mom pulled the door open, and pushed me towards the stairs. I stumbled a bit, but grabbed the rail, regaining my balance. I turned around to see Mom staring down at me. A true look of anger covered all her features. Her lips curled at the corner, forming an evil sneer, “Welcome to Hell.”

She slammed the door shut, leaving me trapped in the pitch black basement.

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