Ch. 14- Concert

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     It has been two more weeks. Living with One Direction, it's simply amazing. They are fun, hilarious, and I always have a good time with them. They can always make me smile. Only, Louis still tries to call me his daughter.... I don't think he'll ever stop with that.

Niall has started keeping his distance between me, but I can feel his gaze upon me every now and then. Whenever I turn to look at him, he quickly turns away. I'm still scared of him. I feel like if I am alone with him, he'll hurt me. I try to always stay by Liam's side because I know he will protect me.

I woke up at around nine in the morning. I yawned and got out of bed. I walked downstairs to join the boys, not bothering to change out of pajamas. The boys were eating breakfast, so I joined them. I got a small bowl of cereal, and sat by Liam at the counter.

"We have a concert today, if you wanna come," Liam told me.

"Sure, sounds fun," I replied.

"YAY MY DAUGHTER'S COMING!" Louis yelled. I glared at him, and he put his hands up in surrender. I finished eating, and went upstairs to my room. I took a quick shower and braided the top of my hair, and let the rest hang down.

I walked back downstairs and joined the others, who were almost ready to go. I joined Liam who was sitting at the counter reading through his messages. I peeked behind him, trying to see what he was writing. He smirked when he saw me peeking from behind.

"Oh, trying to read my messages, are you now?" Liam joked. I blushed,"Well, I had no idea what you were doing, so I wanted to see."

"Well, I'm on Twitter," He answered. I looked at him confused,"What's twitter?"

"You don't know?" He asked, in disbelief. I shook his head, so he continued,"It's a site where you post stuff about what you're doing."

"Why would people want to know what you're doing?" I asked.

"Well, I guess my life interests people," Liam replied. I shrugged, and he laughed at my confused expression.

"Time to go!" Louis yelled, and we filed out into the garage. We piled into the car. I sat in the book beside Liam, and Zayn was on Liam's other side. We drove off.

As we started driving nearer to the concert building, I noticed that there were quite a few people. They were holding signs that said stuff like 'We Love One Direction!'. The amount of noise had increased. I wasn't used to this many people. I scooted closer to Liam. I saw Liam look at Zayn, concerned. I was starting to get nervous. As we reached the concert building, the noise level was really high.

"Ready?" Liam asked. I nodded, nervously. We got out, and there were tons of fans. I can't believe they are this popular.....

The screams filled my ears, making me scared. I moved closer to Liam. We started walking towards the entrance. I could feel the fans yelling at me, calling horrible names. I moved even closer to Liam. I felt the fans start to pull at my clothes, and scratch me with their nails. I felt tears starting to prick at my eyelids. I quickly shut my eyes, hoping for everything to disappear. I felt more scratching, that awoken me from my short trance. I felt tears slowly slipping down my cheeks. I felt an arm pull me closer. I looked up to see Liam.

"It's okay, don't cry," He whispered, loud enough for only me to hear. I nodded, and quickly wiped away my tears. We finally reached the building, and walked in. We walked to their dressing room, avoiding paparazzi. They shut the doors behind them.

"What happened?!" Harry exclaimed, looking at my tear-stained cheeks.

"I think Lizbeth might be afraid of crowds," Liam replied. I stared at the floor and nodded,"I'm just not... used to so many people....."

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